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Full Version: Senior Python Developer
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We are looking for a remote Senior Python Backend Developer to join our team [Reef Technologies: fully remote python software house]
Salary in USD (B2B): 30-45 USD / h (so 4800-7200 USD / Month assuming 160h)
Salary in PLN (B2B): 115-170 PLN / h (so 18400-27200 PLN / Month assuming 160h)

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Hi there,

I can surely help you, please mail me at [email protected] with more details and add me on skype: live:ray_7950 for further discussion.

Hello There,

I would love to help you.

Please email me at ayushi.mandloi at
skyp - live:ayushi.mandloi
(Feb-06-2020, 07:45 AM)agatagasiorowska Wrote: [ -> ]We are looking for a remote Senior Python Backend Developer to join our team [Reef Technologies: fully remote python software house]
Salary in USD (B2B): 30-45 USD / h (so 4800-7200 USD / Month assuming 160h)
Salary in PLN (B2B): 115-170 PLN / h (so 18400-27200 PLN / Month assuming 160h)

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I am really interested to work with you, I have 6+ Years of experience in Python and Software Development. Worked on Python, Django, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, IoT (Raspberry PI Board), Embedded System, Surveillance System, Web and Desktop application development.
You can reach me on [email protected].

Thanks & Regards:
Gautam K.