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Full Version: delete a Python object that matches an atribute
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How do I delete a Python object that matches an atribute?
I have the following code and I would like to delete created object with the attribute IP =
It is not working, it only works if I do it directly like this:
del id1
I want to be able to delete the object if it matches an IP address.

import gc

class tech_dispo:
   tech_list = []
   techCount = 0

   def __init__(self, nom, ip,pc):
      if (nom in tech_dispo.tech_list): 
          print ("Tech in list") 
          self.nom = nom
          self.ip = ip
          self.pc = pc
          tech_dispo.techCount += 1

   def display_total_tech(self):
    print ("Total tech %d" % tech_dispo.techCount)
    return tech_dispo.techCount

   def displaytech(self):
      print (self.nom,self.ip,self.pc)

id1 = tech_dispo("carl", "","PC-01")

id2 = tech_dispo("Stéphane", "","PC-02")

# Check created objects in class
for obj in gc.get_objects():
             if isinstance(obj, tech_dispo):

# Delete object with IP =
for obj in gc.get_objects():
             if isinstance(obj, tech_dispo):
                 if (obj.ip == ""):
                      del obj

for obj in gc.get_objects():
             if isinstance(obj, tech_dispo):
The problem is that you are trying to use the garbage collector as a container for the tech_dispo instances. That's not the way it should be used. In normal code, one does not interact directly with the garbage collector. When you need a container for a collection of instances, just create one. See the below example: I create a class TechDispoTeam, which is just a kind of dictionary to keep the instances. Potentially, I could have several teams
class TechDispo:
    def __init__(self, nom, ip, pc):
        self.nom = nom
        self.ip = ip
        self.pc = pc

    def __repr__(self):
        return "TechDispo{}".format((self.nom, self.ip, self.pc))
class TechDispoTeam(dict):
    def tech_dispo(self, nom, ip, pc):
        if nom not in self:
            self[nom] = TechDispo(nom, ip, pc)
        return self[nom]

team = TechDispoTeam()

t1 = team.tech_dispo('carl', '', 'PC-01')
t2 = team.tech_dispo('Stéphane', '', 'PC-02')

print('There are {} techs in the team'.format(len(team)))

# show all instances
for t in team.values():
# delete instance with ip ''
for nom, t in list(team.items()):
    if t.ip == '':
        del team[nom]

print('There are {} techs in the team'.format(len(team)))
Several questions could be addressed: what to do if the team recruits a second Carl? What to do if we call team.tech_dispo('carl', '', 'PC-5') but Carl is already in the team? Should the new IP and PC replace the old ones for Carl? The current code ignores the new settings, etc.
Thanks a lot, it is working great.
I really apreciate it.