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Full Version: Python crypto byte plaintext to hexint
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This is a 32 byte plaintext from a file where each byte are encoded and represents 2 hexadecimals and i want to convert it to hexadecimal integers like this: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31

i have been struggling for a while with this and given hits about using functions: hex(), open(),, string.decode(), map(), ord()

This is how for i gotten and would appreciate any help

key = open('testKey')
getKey =

integerKey = int(getKey,16)
hexKey = hex(integerKey)
for i in hexKey:
    print(ord(i), end=" , ")
# test = map(integerKey, hexKey)
# print(list(test))
I believe you're overcomplicating things a bit:
with open("testKey") as f:
    while chars :=
        print(int(chars, 16))
I use a context manager (you can Google this term if you're unfamiliar with it) for the file management, which is a recommended best-practice. I use the "walrus operator" (Googleable as well). And lastly, I use the fact that will return an empty string, which will terminate the while loop if the file is empty.
Thanks for the help i really am grateful