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Full Version: TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable
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Overall description of need: In the Uk our tax year begins in April. So April is tax month 1. I require an output of the tax month number - example is that February is tax month 11.

The function below is fine as far as I can see but I don't know how to do the last part where I get an output of the tax month from a tuple and I get the error in the title. I may also be approaching it all wrong, and there is a simpler way.

def tax_month_number():
tax_month_tuple = (10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)# tuple for tax months, Jan to Dec but the month numbers are changed to match the tax month

month_number = today.month - 1 #the month number, minus 1 so that February (2), becomes 1. Am trying to match the tuple index so that Feb is tax month 11. Index 1 in tuple is 11

print(month_number)# so I know the output is correct

tax_month = tax_month_tuple()[float(month_number)]#trying to access the tuple index by using the month number

print(tax_month)# doesn't get this far


Hopefully this is not too complicated a description.

Follows is the function, no description

def tax_month_number():
tax_month_tuple = (10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
month_number = today.month - 1
tax_month = tax_month_tuple()[float(month_number)]

 tax_month = tax_month_tuple()[float(month_number)]#trying to access the tuple index by using the month number
Why do you have the parens after tax_month_tuple? It isn't a function, so that's why you get the error.

Also, please remember to post code within the right tags so indentation, highlighting and line numbering are all present.
Of course! Just couldn't see it.

And yes, will post within correct tags in future.