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Full Version: VideoWriter unreadable output using tempfile
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When I use opencv-python's VideoWriter to a local mp4 filepath, the code below works perfectly and the mp4 file is saved to disk. This save to disk operation should work the same as saving to a tempfile.

To test using a tempfile, I simply change the VideoWriter filename to the (via NamedTemporaryFile) and copy to disk to verify that it worked correctly. The output I get is an equally sized mp4 file, but it can't be opened by any video player - so something must be wrong with the file.

Code that Worked Correctly
video = cv2.VideoWriter('/path/to/test_output.mp4',cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'avc1'),20,(width,height))

for i in range(len(images)):
Code that Created an Unreadable mp4 Output
file_out = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.mp4')

video = cv2.VideoWriter(,cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'avc1'),20,(width,height))

for i in range(len(images)):

shutil.copy(, '/path/to/test_output.mp4')

VideoWriter output MUST be released for output of copied file to be valid.
This fixes the problem.