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Hi, everyone. Here's my short snippet of code:

""" Module docstring goes here """

class Robot():
    """ Class docstring goes here """

    def __init__(self, x_axis=0, y_axis=0):
        """ Function/method docstring goes here """
        self.x_axis = x_axis
        self.y_axis = y_axis

    def move_robot(self, x_increment=1, y_increment=1):
        """ Function/method docstring goes here """
        self.x_axis += x_increment
        self.y_axis += y_increment

robot01 = Robot(4, 7)
print('\nrobot01 x,y =', robot01.x_axis, robot01.y_axis)
It runs fine. However, when I run it through pylint, it gives it a score of 7.78/10 for two reasons I don't understand:

************* Module testrobot R0903: Too few public methods (1/2) (too-few-public-methods) C0103: Constant name "robot01" doesn't conform to UPPER_CASE naming style (invalid-name)

1. What does it mean "too few public methods"?

2. Why should robot01 be in UPPER_CASE naming style?

Thanks for your help!