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Full Version: Calling a function to return a list of percentages
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Hey guys this is my first attempt at this program and I am having trouble with the second task which requires me to write a function that returns the amount of tax – it should include two parameters, one for the tax rate and another for the amount.

Also, using a for loop, call the function to calculate the tax on the user specified amount for tax rates of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%:

So far I have managed to figure out how to write a basic code that takes the price of an item them returns the tax by a specific amount but I am struggling on how to return it in a list similar to this 

5% tax on a Chocolate cake costing $17.50 is $0.88 
10% tax on a Chocolate cake costing $17.50 is $1.75 
15% tax on a Chocolate cake costing $17.50 is $2.62 
20% tax on a Chocolate cake costing $17.50 is $3.50 
25% tax on a Chocolate cake costing $17.50 is $4.38

Here is my code and output for the first part of my program

Any help is really appreciated :)

My code 
print ("This is a tax calculator. Enter in the price and your item\n"
"and the program will calculate how much it costs with tax.""")

#Create tax function that takes price and tax_rate as imputs and returns the total price
def calculate_tax(price, tax_rate):
    total = price + (price * tax_rate)
    total = round(total, 2)
    return total

#float is a variable type for decimals
item = str(input("Please enter an item"))
my_price = float(input("Price of the item $"))
tax = calculate_tax(my_price,.0875)
print ("The price of",item,"with tax: $",tax,"")
Aaaand my output is something like this:
This is a tax calculator. Enter in the price and your item
and the program will calculate how much it costs with tax.
Please enter an itemChocolate Cake
Price of the item $17.50
The price of Chocolate Cake with tax:$ 19.03 

Process finished with exit code 0
You can print all in one for loop.

>>> for tax in range(5, 26, 5):
...     print(tax)
print ("This is a tax calculator. Enter in the price and your item\n"
"and the program will calculate how much it costs with tax.""")

#Create tax function that takes price and tax_rate as imputs and returns the total price
def calculate_tax(price, start, end, increment):
   for n in range(start, end, increment):
       tax_rate = n * .01
       tax = price * tax_rate
       total = round((price + tax), 2)
       yield n, tax, tax_rate, total

#float is a variable type for decimals
item = str(input("Please enter an item: "))
my_price = float(input("Price of the item $"))
for n, tax, tax_rate, total in calculate_tax(my_price, 5, 26, 5):
   print('{}% tax on a {} costing ${:.2f} is ${:.2f} for a total of ${:.2f}'
         .format(n, item, my_price, tax, total))
This is a tax calculator. Enter in the price and your item and the program will calculate how much it costs with tax. Please enter an item: Chocolate Cake Price of the item $17.5 5% tax on a Chocolate Cake costing $17.50 is $0.88 for a total of $18.38 10% tax on a Chocolate Cake costing $17.50 is $1.75 for a total of $19.25 15% tax on a Chocolate Cake costing $17.50 is $2.62 for a total of $20.12 20% tax on a Chocolate Cake costing $17.50 is $3.50 for a total of $21.00 25% tax on a Chocolate Cake costing $17.50 is $4.38 for a total of $21.88
Ok I managed to get it to print out the in the correct format but I am having trouble with printing the actual equation

So if the percentage is the user_input number * each number in taxlist / 100

I just need it to print out like this

5% tax on a Chocolate cake costing $17.50 is $0.88
10% tax on a Chocolate cake costing $17.50 is $1.75
15% tax on a Chocolate cake costing $17.50 is $2.62
20% tax on a Chocolate cake costing $17.50 is $3.50
25% tax on a Chocolate cake costing $17.50 is $4.38

And my code is now looking like this so I am just confused how to put that equation in there to get it to print out the tax result at the end for each number in the list

item = str(input("Please enter an item"))
price = float(input("Price of the item $"))
taxlist = [5,10,15,20,25]
def result (price, tax2):
    total = price * taxlist[0,1,2,3,4,4] / 100
    return total
for tax in range(5, 26, 5):
            print("",tax,"% tax on a ",item," costing ",price," is",result,"")
my output gives me a strange result too so It may just be something simple I am missing I am not sure lol

Please enter an itemCake
Price of the item $17.50
 5 % tax on a  Cake  costing  17.5  is <function result at 0x000001B4EB9201E0> 
 10 % tax on a  Cake  costing  17.5  is <function result at 0x000001B4EB9201E0> 
 15 % tax on a  Cake  costing  17.5  is <function result at 0x000001B4EB9201E0> 
 20 % tax on a  Cake  costing  17.5  is <function result at 0x000001B4EB9201E0> 
 25 % tax on a  Cake  costing  17.5  is <function result at 0x000001B4EB9201E0> 

Process finished with exit code 0
Also can someone explain why my output of the price of the item drops off the zero at the end, It should be 17.50 not 17.5

Moderator Larz60+: Fixed tags you had wrong '\' should be '/'

No worries this has been understood and solved thanks heaps dude
In [10]: def result(item, price):
    ...:     for tax in range(5, 26, 5):
    ...:         percentage = price * tax / 100
    ...:         print("{:>2}% tax on a {} costing ${:.2f} is ${:.2f}".format(tax, item, price, percentage))

In [11]: result(item, price)
 5% tax on a Cake costing $17.50 is $0.88
10% tax on a Cake costing $17.50 is $1.75
15% tax on a Cake costing $17.50 is $2.62
20% tax on a Cake costing $17.50 is $3.50
25% tax on a Cake costing $17.50 is $4.38

My prev. post was a hint how to generate the tax list and use each tax to calculate the percentage
Larz+60 Just wondering how you would go about making it a return function instead of yield as my instructions don't mention anything about yield and I do not think we are up to that keyword yet

return n, tax, tax_rate, total
I tried changing yield into return but I get this error...

   for n, tax, tax_rate, total in calculate_tax(my_price, 5, 26, 5):
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

(Mar-25-2017, 10:33 AM)wavic Wrote: [ -> ]
In [10]: def result(item, price):     ...:     for tax in range(5, 26, 5):     ...:         percentage = price * tax / 100     ...:         print("{:>2}% tax on a {} costing ${:.2f} is ${:.2f}".format(tax, item, price, percentage))     ...:          In [11]: result(item, price)  5% tax on a Cake costing $17.50 is $0.88 10% tax on a Cake costing $17.50 is $1.75 15% tax on a Cake costing $17.50 is $2.62 20% tax on a Cake costing $17.50 is $3.50 25% tax on a Cake costing $17.50 is $4.38

My prev. post was a hint how to generate the tax list and use each tax to calculate the percentage

Awesome Thanks I have got it now :)
Look at @Larz60+ code. He uses more general approach. Even if don't use it because of the yield statement.
without generator:
print ("This is a tax calculator. Enter in the price and your item\n"
"and the program will calculate how much it costs with tax.")
# Create tax function that takes price and tax_rate as inputs and returns the total price
# def calculate_tax(price, start, end, increment):
#     for n in range(start, end, increment):
#         tax_rate = n * .01
#         tax = price * tax_rate
#         total = round((price + tax), 2)
#         yield n, tax, tax_rate, total

def calculate_tax(price, tax_rate):
    return (price * tax_rate) * .01

# float is a variable type for decimals
item = str(input("Please enter an item: "))
my_price = float(input("Price of the item $"))
for rate in [5, 10, 15, 20, 25]:
    tax = calculate_tax(my_price, rate)
    print('{}% tax on a {} costing ${:.2f} is ${:.2f} for a total of ${:.2f}'
          .format(rate, item, my_price, tax, my_price + tax))
This is a tax calculator. Enter in the price and your item and the program will calculate how much it costs with tax. Please enter an item: choc Price of the item $17.5 5% tax on a choc costing $17.50 is $0.88 for a total of $18.38 10% tax on a choc costing $17.50 is $1.75 for a total of $19.25 15% tax on a choc costing $17.50 is $2.62 for a total of $20.12 20% tax on a choc costing $17.50 is $3.50 for a total of $21.00 25% tax on a choc costing $17.50 is $4.38 for a total of $21.88