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Full Version: Creating a Web Browser to control Raspberry Pi
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I want to create a web browser for the user to input 3 alarms. When the alarm time is equal to the current time, LED/ motor etc connected to the raspberry pi will be turned on.

1)I know HTML, CSS and python (flask) can be used to create the web browser, but am I missing anything out?

2)What are the steps to create this web browser using the above languages.

3)How do I make sure that even if the web browser is closed, the data inputted in the web browser is stored and the alarms will still turn on at the respective timings.

Thank You! Big Grin
Somehow I am unable to edit my post, but is using localStorage in HTML enough to store the data in the web browser?
You're not writing a web browser, but a web application that's running on your Pi. Your web browser is the software you use (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, IE, ...) to interact with this application. It sounds like the data needs to be stored on the server, rather than the client - so you can store it in whatever is appropriate (perhaps just a file is simplest, but you can use some kind of database if you needed). As for what are the steps, well that's your job to work out, isn't it? We're happy to help when you get stuck, but you need to try and work things out for yourself.