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Full Version: Solitare Code Error
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Hello, I am fairly new to Python and have taken on a project of creating a free cell solitaire game. The code runs perfectly except for this error I get when I enter any command like 't2f' or 'h' (t2f = tableau to foundation; h = help). The error is 'list index out of range'. It brings me to line 300 but I don't have a clue on how to fix it. Help would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the code at line 300:

Here is the full code for the game:

Here is the full code for the cards:

Thank you whoever can help.
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Show entire error traceback, complete and unaltered

Show code, a line of code is almost always not enough to diagnose a problem
Full code:

import random
import math
from cards import Deck
from cards import Card

def setup():
    paramaters: None (deck can be created within this function)
    - a foundation (list of 4 empty lists)
    - cell (list of 4 empty lists)
    - a tableau (a list of 8 lists, the dealt cards)
    global gametime
    gametime = 0
    d = Deck()
    foundation = [[], [], [], []]#placeholder, needs replaced!!
    #placeholder, needs replaced!!
    tableau1 = [] #placeholder, needs replaced!!
    tableau2 = []
    tableau3 = []
    tableau4 = []
    tableau5 = []
    tableau6 = []
    tableau7 = []
    tableau8 = []
    global cell
    cell = [(),(),(),()]
    for i in range(0,7):
    for i in range(7,14):
    for i in range(14,21):
    for i in range(21,28):
    for i in range(28,34):
    for i in range(34,40):
    for i in range(40,46):
    for i in range(46,52):
    tableau = [tableau1, tableau2, tableau3, tableau4, tableau5, tableau6, tableau7, tableau8]
    return foundation, tableau, cell

def move_to_foundation(tableau, foundation, t_col, f_col):
    #Get rank and get suit graphs the rank and suit of the card and this method checks the rank and suit
    one = tableau[t_col][-1]
    two = foundation[f_col]
    Finds the rank and suit ^^^^^^^^^
    if foundation[f_col] == []:
        if one.get_rank() == 1:
            foundation[f_col].append(one) #adds the card
            del tableau[t_col][-1] #del function removes card from tableau
    elif one.get_suit() == two.get_suit():
        if one.get_rank()== two.get_rank()+1:
            del tableau[t_col][-1]
    parameters: a tableau, a foundation, column of tableau, column of foundation
    returns: Boolean (True if the move is valid, False otherwise)
    moves a card at the end of a column of tableau to a column of foundation
    This function can also be used to move a card from cell to foundation

def move_to_cell(tableau, cell, t_col, c_col):
    one = tableau[t_col][-1]
    two = cell[c_col]
    if two == []:
        cell[c_col].append(one) #Appends tableau column card
        del tableau[t_col][-1] #del function removes card from tableau
    parameters: a tableau, a cell, column of tableau, column of cell
    returns: Boolean (True if the move is valid, False otherwise)
    moves a card at the end of a column of tableau to a cell

def move_to_tableau(tableau, foundation, t_col, f_col, c_col):
    #s,c,d,h all refer to card colors and the code checks if colors are allowed
    one = tableau[t_col][-1]
    if cell[c_col] != []: #Does not equal empty slot for a card
        two = cell[c_col][0]
        if one == two+1:
            if "d" in one or "h" in one: #runs the red cards first
                if "s" in two or "c" in two:
                    del cell[c_col][-1]
            elif "d" in two or "h" in two: #runs the red cards first
                if "s" in one or "c" in one:
                    del cell[c_col][-1]
    parameters: a tableau, a cell, column of tableau, a cell
    returns: Boolean (True if the move is valid, False otherwise)
    moves a card in the cell to a column of tableau
    remember to check validity of move

def is_winner(foundation):
    gametime = 0
    while gametime == 0:
        if foundation[0] != []:
            if foundation[1] != []:
                if foundation[2] != []:
                    if foundation[3] != []:
                        print("You won!")
                        gametime = 1
    parameters: a foundation
    return: Boolean

def move_in_tableau(tableau, t_col_source, t_col_dest):
    #s,c,d,h all refer to card colors and the code checks if colors are allowed
    one = tableau[t_col_source][-1]
    two = tableau[t_col_dest][-1]
    if one == two+1:
        if "d" in one or "h" in one: #runs the red cards first
            if "s" in two or "c" in two:
                del cell[t_col_source][-1]
        elif "d" in two or "h" in two: #runs the red cards first
            if "s" in one or "c" in one:
                del cell[t_col_source][-1]
    parameters: a tableau, the source tableau column and the destination tableau column
    returns: Boolean
    move card from one tableau column to another
    remember to check validity of move

def print_game(foundation, tableau, cell):
    parameters: a tableau, a foundation and a cell
    returns: Nothing
    prints the game, i.e, print all the info user can see.
        a) print tableau
        b) print foundation ( can print the top card only)
        c) print cells

    print("                 Cells:                              Foundation:")
    # print cell and foundation labels in one line
    for i in range(4):
        print('{:8d}'.format(i + 1), end='')
    print('    ', end='')
    for i in range(4):
        print('{:8d}'.format(i + 1), end='')
    print()  # carriage return at the end of the line

    # print cell and foundation cards in one line; foundation is only top card
    for c in cell:
        # print if there is a card there; if not, exception prints spaces.
            print('{:8s}'.format(c[0].rank_and_suit()), end='')
        except IndexError:
            print('{:8s}'.format(''), end='')

    print('    ', end='')
    for stack in foundation:
        # print if there is a card there; if not, exception prints spaces.
            print('{:8s}'.format(stack[-1].rank_and_suit()), end='')
        except IndexError:
            print('{:8s}'.format(''), end='')

    print()  # carriage return at the end of the line

    for i in range(len(tableau)):  # print tableau headers
        print('{:8d}'.format(i + 1), end='')
    print()  # carriage return at the end of the line

    # Find the length of the longest stack
    max_length = max([len(stack) for stack in tableau])

    # print tableau stacks row by row
    for i in range(max_length):  # for each row
        print(' ' * 7, end='')  # indent each row
        for stack in tableau:
            # print if there is a card there; if not, exception prints spaces.
                print('{:8s}'.format(stack[i].rank_and_suit()), end='')
            except IndexError:
                print('{:8s}'.format(''), end='')
        print()  # carriage return at the end of the line

def print_rules():
    parameters: none
    returns: nothing
    prints the rules
    print("Rules of FreeCell")

    print("\tMove all the cards to the Foundations")

    print("\tBuilt up by rank and by suit from Ace to King")

    print("\tBuilt down by rank and by alternating color")
    print("\tThe bottom card of any column may be moved")
    print("\tAn empty spot may be filled with any card ")

    print("\tCan only contain 1 card")
    print("\tThe card may be moved")

def show_help():
    parameters: none
    returns: nothing
    prints the supported commands
    print("Responses are: ")
    print("\t t2f #T #F - move from Tableau to Foundation")
    print("\t t2t #T1 #T2 - move card from one Tableau column to another")
    print("\t t2c #T #C - move from Tableau to Cell")
    print("\t c2t #C #T - move from Cell to Tableau")
    print("\t c2f #C #F - move from Cell to Foundation")
    print("\t 'h' for help")
    print("\t 'q' to quit")

def play():
    Main program. Does error checking on the user input.
    foundation, tableau, cell = setup()

    while True:

        print_game(foundation, tableau, cell)
        response = input("Command (type 'h' for help): ")
        response = response.strip()
        response_list = response.split()
        if len(response_list) > 0:
            r = response_list[0]
            f_col = response_list[2] #Defines f_col
            t_col = response_list[1] #Defines t_col
            c_col = response_list[2] #Defines c_col
            t_col and f_col here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
            if r == 't2f':
                move_to_foundation(tableau, foundation, t_col, f_col)
            elif r == 't2t':
                move_in_tableau(tableau, t_col_source, t_col_dest)
            elif r == 't2c':                
                move_to_cell(tableau, cell, t_col, c_col)
            elif r == 'c2t':
                move_to_tableau(tableau, cell, t_col, c_col)
            elif r == 'c2f':
                move_to_foundation(tableau, foundation, t_col, f_col)
            elif r == 'q':
                break #Break quits the whole game
            elif r == 'h':
                show_help() #Calls for help method
                print('Unknown command:', r)
            print("Unknown Command:", response)
    print('Thanks for playing')


File "<ipython-input-3-c13463e23dee>", line 1, in <module> runfile('/Users/mcaggiano2022/Desktop/hacking project/Programming Project 4/', wdir='/Users/mcaggiano2022/Desktop/hacking project/Programming Project 4') File "//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/spyder_kernels/customize/", line 827, in runfile execfile(filename, namespace) File "//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/spyder_kernels/customize/", line 110, in execfile exec(compile(, filename, 'exec'), namespace) File "/Users/mcaggiano2022/Desktop/hacking project/Programming Project 4/", line 329, in <module> play() File "/Users/mcaggiano2022/Desktop/hacking project/Programming Project 4/", line 300, in play f_col = response_list[2] #Defines f_col IndexError: list index out of range
error doesn't match code.
actual code is on line 293
after line 289, add:
print(f"length response_list: {len(response_list)}")
to check list length

I'm guessing that:
            f_col = response_list[2] #Defines f_col
            t_col = response_list[1] #Defines t_col
            c_col = response_list[2] #Defines c_col
should be:
            f_col = response_list[1] #Defines f_col
            t_col = response_list[0] #Defines t_col
            c_col = response_list[1] #Defines c_col
considering list indexes start with 0