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is that Hebrew?

Im not sure as I have no idea what you are saying....but im all good for more people coming to python  Smile
The more the merrier, I guess. Personally, I don't like videos, as they just... don't make sense for learning to program.
Python - Exercise 5

1. Write a function that gets a list (list) of numbers. The function returns a new list of ordered square numbers from the smallest to grow.
For example, for the list [2, 4, 5, 3, 1] the function returns
[25, 16, 9, 4, 1].

2. Write a function that receives a list (list) and a number. The function returns the number of times the number appears in the list.
For example, for list [2, 4, 2, 3, 2] and number 2 will return 3 because number 2 is listed 3 times.

The answers here:
I do mind, when the two posts by this user are just links to videos

Merged the two posts
Quote:I don't like videos, as they just... don't make sense for learning to program
I thought that was what the pause button was for.
I love learning from (well done) videos. The way I have use them is to watch, and pause at
examples, trying and understanding each before continuing.

fo non-programming, I am also a big fan of Coursera and The Great Courses
when i started programming i watched a lot of videos. Lately i dont bother as i prefer text, as it is easier to update text than videos, they are often more updated. I can also do what i like the best and scan text for what im looking for and go straight there.
Well, I like both.
You are correct about the updates,
there are some videos that are good for a very long time.
David Beazley's are an example of this.
Ok, so...

video is rarely indexed, so you can't skip to relevant parts easily (text has headers... or an index).
video can mostly (see Ted talks) be consumed only at a single speed. With text, you can read faster/slower, so a 1 hour long video would take less than 5 minutes to read through if it was text.
video can't be run, and code can't be copy/pasted. If all you're doing is watching, instead of following along and trying different things along the way... are you really learning at all?
video is worthless if the speaker is hard to understand (dialect, wrong language, too far from microphone, etc). Text can at least be run through Google Translate, or have volunteers translate it.

There's more, but that's off the top of my head.
I still like both -- again this appears to be a personal preference