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Full Version: Parsing Oasis Open Document format.
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I want to write Parser of Oasis document v1.2 for only tags and their explanation. I am parsing tags correctly but I can't parse links belongs to each tag. Maybe you can offer me another way to do that project. I will be grateful Angel

there is my code link but i know have missing parts.:

and there is for document link:
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from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, SoupStrainer
import requests, re

def main():
    #request ile metin çekilir
    req = requests.get('')
    soup = BeautifulSoup(req.content,"lxml")
    # '<a href="#__RefHeading__1419338_253892949">19.905 xhtml:about</a>''

    containers = soup.find_all(['tr','td'])

    filename = "basliklar.txt"
    f = open(filename, "w")

    headers = "baslik, link\n"

    #başlık ve ona karşılık gelen veri çekilir.
    #tag'e karşılık bir veri yok!! tag = container.nextSibling.text
    for container in containers:
        if container.nextSibling == None:
            baslik = container.text
            f.write(baslik + "\n")
            links=([link.get('href')for link in soup.find_all('a')])

if __name__ == "__main__":