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Full Version: [Project] bot for web game
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Hi guys,

I was thinking about project which could give me experience, on which i could learn a lot.
Beside this, project must be also interesting, so i ll invest my time on this instead of doing X other things, and as i like games i thought like it's good idea to start my adventure with creating a Bot for web-based game.

So here i would like to ask you, if anyone of you have some experience in that area, can you share your thoughts whether is that good choice for me?

Would you have any sources/tips which could be useful in this project?

I want to make it with GUI support of course (like an app), but i have never done any project with gui yet (beside excel user form :P)

I got experience with web scraping, however, i was doing it in procedural way(coding from up to down, with some functions whenever it was needed) and now it might be necessary to step in OOP.

In summary, what do you think about it? Do you have any tips? Would you like to join me to this project? Would there be any volunteer senpai/mentor? :P

Any feedback i would really appreciate!