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Full Version: Find the realpath for a symlinked .pth file in itself with python code.
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I symlinked a pth file to the site-packages directory of my virtualenv. Then I want to obtain the realpath of this pth file from within it with python code.

But it seems the python code used in this file must only be one-line python code and it doesn't know the meaning of 'os.path.realpath(__file__)'

Any hints for this problem?

import os

os.chdir(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) # Make sure starting dir is OK

This doesn't solve my problem, I want to obtain the directory from where the pth file is symlinked to the site-packages directory, instead of the site-packages directory itself. Say, if I symlinked the the file with

ln -s ~/test.pth  /path/to/site-packages/ 
And there are the following the lines in this pth file:

import os; os.chdir(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))); print(os.path.realpath('')) 
This will print the following twice:

$ python
Python 3.8.1 (default, Mar 11 2020, 09:08:36) 
[GCC 9.2.1 20191008] on linux
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But I want the obtain the directory of $HOME.

from os.path import expanduser
home = expanduser("~")
@anbu23 I just use HOME as a simple example, in fact the pth file is not in that directory.

$ ln -s /path/to/test.pth /path/to/site-packages/

In this general case, I want to obtain the source path of the pth file use python code from within it.

No, it cannot do the trick.
You cannot use __file__. It will always return the current script name, as will sys.argv[0]
you must use actual file name:
import os
import sys

def show_symlink():
    # Set current path to that of script

    # get address of self
    print(f"value of __file__: {__file__}")
    print(f"value of sys.argv[0]: {sys.argv[0]}")

    print(f"Current working directory: {os.getcwd()}")

    print(f"using realpath: {os.path.realpath('')}")
    print(f"using readlink: {os.readlink('')}")

will give:
value of __file__: .../projects/T-Z/T/Trailmapper/Florida2020/src/TestArea/ value of sys.argv[0]: .../projects/T-Z/T/Trailmapper/Florida2020/src/TestArea/ Current working directory: .../projects/T-Z/T/Trailmapper/Florida2020/src/TestArea using realpath: .../projects/T-Z/T/Trailmapper/src/ using readlink: ../
As you can see, print(f"using realpath: {os.path.realpath('')}") gives the full directory of what the symlink points to
As does print(f"using readlink: {os.readlink('')}") albeit that this is a relative path (exactly as originally defined with the ln command) resides one directory above TestArea (in the src Directiry), the symlink is in TestArea

This works properly.