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Full Version: How to manage multiple datasets in Python
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Hi guys,

I have a question regarding how to manage multiple datasets in Python in a smart way. Let's say I have 3 .h5 file containing data I want to plot. Each one of them contains several multi dimensional arrays (u(x,y), v(x,y), w(x,y) ecc). I want to read them in an easy and smart way so that I can easily access them and plot whatever I want.

If I would use Matlab to do this job I would store them in cells so that u{1}, u{2} ans u{3} will contain the 2-D array. Now, this way is very slow and especially when the datasets are very big the computational time rises very fast.

I am new at Python but I know its potential and I am trying to figure out which is the best way to do it (maybe using objects??).
All tips are very much appreciated.
Could you demonstrate what you're talking about with code? I don't understand what you're asking here, or why you wouldn't just use a list, or potentially a dictionary.
Thank for answering! I went looking into python dictionaries and I actually solved the problem. Thanks a lot!