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I am currently trying to practice python So I tried making a Rock paper scissors game where the player is against a computer but I don't understand how to fix my error in the program, can anyone help?
import random
import time
def main():
    print("This is a rock, paper, scissor game")
    while answer.upper == 'Y':
        return True
    return False
play_again = True
move_list = {'Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors'}

def rps():
    print("This is a rock, paper, scissor game")
    move_list = ['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors']
    while play_again == True:
        for comp in move_list.keys():
            user = input('What\'s your hand?: ')
            user = user.capitalize()
            comp = random.choice(list(move_list.keys()))
            if comp == 'Rock' and user == 'Paper':
                print("Computer throws " + comp + " you have thrown " + user + "!")
                print("You Win!")

            elif comp == 'Rock' and user == 'Rock':
                print("Computer throws " + comp + " you have thrown " + user + "!")
                print("It's a draw")
            elif comp == 'Rock' and user == 'Scissor':
                print("Computer throws " + comp + " you have thrown " + user + "!")
                print("You Lose!")

            elif comp == 'Scissor' and user == 'Paper':
                print("Computer throws " + comp + " you have thrown " + user + "!")
                print("You Lose!")

            elif comp == 'Scissor' and user == 'Rock':
                print("Computer throws " + comp + " you have thrown " + user + "!")
                print("You Lose!")

            elif comp == 'Scissor' and user == 'Scissor':
                print("Computer throws " + comp + " you have thrown " + user + "!")
                print("It's a Draw!")

            elif comp == 'Paper' and user == 'Paper':
                print("Computer throws " + comp + " you have thrown " + user + "!")
                print("It's a Draw!")

            elif comp == 'Paper' and user == 'Rock':
                print("Computer throws " + comp + " you have thrown " + user + "!")
                print("You Lose!")

            elif comp == 'Paper' and user == 'Scissor':
                print("Computer throws " + comp + " you have thrown " + user + "!")
                print("You Win!")
                print("You messed up the program dummy")

    answer = input("Would you like to play again?: ")

Traceback (most recent call last): File "F:\Programing\RPS Game", line 62, in <module> rps() File "F:\Programing\RPS Game", line 17, in rps for comp in move_list.keys(): AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'keys'
Why do you think a list has keys? Lists allow you to access their elements by index; dictionaries use keys.
Dictionary has keys. Check

def rps():
    print("This is a rock, paper, scissor game")
    move_list = ['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors']
    while play_again == True:
        for comp in move_list:
            user = input('What\'s your hand?: ')
            user = user.capitalize()
            comp = random.choice(move_list)
Thanks for the help, still learning python, but I ran into another problem with my while loop, not an error but when I prompt the user to type yes or no to playing again but no matter what it will continue to run the program.
Can you post code you tried?
yeah sorry
import random
import time
def main():
print("This is a rock, paper, scissor game")

while play_again.upper == 'Y':
return True
return False
play_again = True

def rps():
print("This is a rock, paper, scissor game")
move_list = ['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors']
while play_again == True:
for comp in move_list:
user = input('What\'s your hand?: ')
user = user.capitalize()
comp = random.choice(list(move_list))
if comp == 'Rock' and user == 'Paper':
print("Computer throws " + comp + " you have thrown " + user + "!")
print("You Win!")

elif comp == 'Rock' and user == 'Rock':
print("Computer throws " + comp + " you have thrown " + user + "!")
print("It's a draw")

elif comp == 'Rock' and user == 'Scissor':
print("Computer throws " + comp + " you have thrown " + user + "!")
print("You Lose!")

elif comp == 'Scissors' and user == 'Paper':
print("Computer throws " + comp + " you have thrown " + user + "!")
print("You Lose!")

elif comp == 'Scissors' and user == 'Rock':
print("Computer throws " + comp + " you have thrown " + user + "!")
print("You Lose!")

elif comp == 'Scissors' and user == 'Scissors':
print("Computer throws " + comp + " you have thrown " + user + "!")
print("It's a Draw!")

elif comp == 'Paper' and user == 'Paper':
print("Computer throws " + comp + " you have thrown " + user + "!")
print("It's a Draw!")

elif comp == 'Paper' and user == 'Rock':
print("Computer throws " + comp + " you have thrown " + user + "!")
print("You Lose!")

elif comp == 'Paper' and user == 'Scissors':
print("Computer throws " + comp + " you have thrown " + user + "!")
print("You Win!")
print("You messed up the program dummy")

answer = input("Would you like to play again?: ")
