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Full Version: Remove from end of string up to and including some character
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Hi all,

I'm trying to take some string, stri_ , and iterate through it until I find a particular character. Then, I will update the stri_ to be stri_ with that character and everything after it removed.

#  Working with url_ , a string of any length
url_ = url_[:url_.find(".")]

#  For url_ == "", url_ should become "wikipedia".
print(url_)  # wikipedia
The above works fine in most cases, however I ran into problems with the below.

#  Working with url_ , a string of any length
url_ = url_[:url_.find(".")]

#  For url_ == "", url_ should become "en.wikipedia".
print(url_)  # en
Is there any way I can do something similar to rstrip(), but instead of removing a single character, remove every character rstrip() checked before it found "." ie. the last "." in the string?


You were on the right lines with rstrip. Instead use rsplit(), which takes two arguments. A delimiter and a maxsplit.

result = url_.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
It doesn't matter how many '.' you have at the front of the string, it will only every remove anything after the last '.':
>> a = "" >> print(a.rsplit(".", 1)[0]) >> wikipedia >> a = "" >> print(a.rsplit(".", 1)[0]) >> en.wkikipedia >> a = "" >> print(a.rsplit(".", 1)[0]) >> en.something.somethingelse.wikipedia
change url_find('.') to url_rfind('.') will give you what you want
>>> url = '' >>> print(url[:url.rfind('.')]) wikipedia >>> url = '' >>> print(url[:url.rfind('.')]) en.wikipedia