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Full Version: modules with exe or msi extension
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I am new to python. I am trying to update python on an Ubuntu 20.04 linux box. The application that I use creates a python installation that is really windows executable.

To install custom packages, I have to download the msi or exe versions of the packages. Where do you get these types of packages? I found one link for numpy, but I have a few more (like pandas, psycopg2, sqlalchemy, cvxopt, suds, ...).

I didnt' even know that there were packages with these extensions. Am I missing something?
The product that requires me to use these packages is ArcGIS Server on Linux.

Can someone please point me in the right direction? I thought you always used pip. Buth this has me using a file explorer called 'wine' on the linux box (which allows windows executables to run on linux).

Packages have different installers for different OSs. Here is a link to the page about installing on Linux. I don't imagine that installing through the Wine emulator wouldn't work.

Try here.
all packaged which can be installed with pip can be found here:
there are also wheels (see: )(also installable with pip, wheels will install all dependencies as well.
.msi is an install package for MS operating systems (only).
Thanks for the help - but still not sure where to find modules with the ".exe" or ".msi" extensions. I seen and read the documentation about custom packages for ArcGIS server. I have also been out to the two sites listed by Larz60+. But they are wheels and packages to be installed by pip.

I need need to know where to find the ".exe" or ".msi" packages/modules that can be installed through the 'wine' emulator.
I've never encountered anything like that.
There is no longer ant distributions of .exe only .whl(wheel).
(May-21-2020, 12:16 AM)llass61 Wrote: [ -> ]The product that requires me to use these packages is ArcGIS Server on Linux.
Python 3 runtime for ArcGIS Server on Linux
So ArcGIS has conda integrated.
Then it will download eg Python 3.8,where can use both conda or pip.
conda install pandas sqlalchemy
I cannot use conda - this is a python implementation by the ArcGIS Software. It is a windows python executable that is run through the 'wine' emulator. Pip does not work either (not sure why they disabled it). So I have to find/create a 'msi' or 'exe' format version of the packages I need.

The ArcGIS python is 2.7.
(May-27-2020, 02:30 PM)llass61 Wrote: [ -> ]So I have to find/create a 'msi' or 'exe' format version of the packages I need
There is no .exe distributions made anymore only .whl(wheel).
Use Miniconda then do all instantiation needed on a OS this work.
conda install pandas sqlalchemy
When finish move whole Miniconda3 folder to new environment,
it's not a recommend way,but if can not use conda or pip on new environment then then this hack can work.
So now all installation is done,then just python.exe.
λ python
Python 3.6.3 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Oct 15 2017, 03:27:45) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pandas
>>> pandas.__version__
>>> exit()

Thank you all for the help. I was able to figure things out finally (with all your input!).

Thanks again!
Big Grin Big Grin