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I have written code to extract the software version and name from the Windows 10 registry.

But i have noticed it extracts all named software folders correctly but fails to extract any software names and versions from any software using a GUID in curly brackets.

Is there a switch I can use to include ALL registry entries which will include curly bracket entries?
what library do you use? Maybe show code...
aReg = ConnectRegistry(None, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
#The following opens the registry to extract all software version numbers
aKey = OpenKey(aReg, r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"\
    , access=KEY_READ)
bKey = OpenKey(aReg, r"SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"\
    , access=KEY_READ)
savfile = open(r’D:/Test/‘ + pathFin + '/' + result + ‘/Test/Software Versions.txt', 'a')
savfile.write('All software versions extracted from ' + \
    pcname +'\n' + '-----------------------------' + '\n')

for i in range(100):
        asubkey_name = EnumKey(aKey, i)
        asubkey = OpenKey(aKey, asubkey_name)
        sofname = QueryValueEx(asubkey, "DisplayName")
        sofver = QueryValueEx(asubkey, "DisplayVersion")
        #print(sofname + sofver)
        outp = str(sofname + sofver)
        savfile = open(r’D:/Test/‘ + pathFin + '/' + result + ‘/Test/Software Versions.txt', 'a')
        savfile.write(outp + '\n')
    except FileNotFoundError:
    except OSError:
for a in range(100):
        bsubkey_name = EnumKey(bKey, a)
        bsubkey = OpenKey(bKey, bsubkey_name)
        sofFed = QueryValueEx(bsubkey, "DisplayName")
        outFed = str(sofFed)
        savfile = open(r’D:/Test/‘ + opathFin + '/' + result + ‘/Test/Software Versions.txt', 'a')
        savfile.write(outFed + '\n')
    except FileNotFoundError:
    except OSError:

I query 2 locations in the registry to get all the software.

Just looking at that I have just realised I may not be giving the loop enough loops! I may increase that and see what happens. Although the GUID curly bracket entries are at the beginning of the registry entry.
Can try something like this,just something hacked together from some code found online.
Some time since i looked at this,usually if remember right so is finding a way to loop all registry the tricky part,then extract stuff is pretty stray forward.
import errno, os, winreg

proc_arch = os.environ['PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE'].lower()
proc_arch64 = os.environ['PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432'].lower()

if proc_arch == 'x86' and not proc_arch64:
    arch_keys = {0}
elif proc_arch == 'x86' or proc_arch == 'amd64':
    arch_keys = {winreg.KEY_WOW64_32KEY, winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY}
    raise Exception(f"Unhandled arch: {proc_arch}")

for arch_key in arch_keys:
    key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall", 0, winreg.KEY_READ | arch_key)
    for i in range(0, winreg.QueryInfoKey(key)[0]):
        skey_name = winreg.EnumKey(key, i)
        skey = winreg.OpenKey(key, skey_name)
            print(winreg.QueryValueEx(skey, 'DisplayName')[0])
            print(winreg.QueryValueEx(skey, 'DisplayVersion')[0])
            print(winreg.QueryValueEx(skey, 'InstallSource')[0])
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                # DisplayName doesn't exist in this skey
Thank you, I will give that a go.