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Full Version: Full Stack Web Development from Zero to My First Web App in 6 Months (or less)
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While being quarantined for so many weeks at home, I've decided to pick up a new hobby.

Usually, people build model airplanes, go scuba-diving, crochet, etc, but I am going to learn full-stack web-development in my spare time. I have a few web app ideas (both for my day job and for fun), but I am not able to implement them at the moment because (1) I'm lacking technical knowledge and (2) I don't want to hire a freelancer to do it for me. So, I'll have to do it the hard way. I will spend the next 3-6 months to gain entry level understanding of full-stack development in order to work on my apps.

BG: I've been running WordPress websites for years and I can figure out how to change small things to make them look / work the way I want (or I can just hire a freelance web developer to do it for me), but I can't create things from scratch which bothers me that in the year 2020, I can't do basic coding ...

So, here are the technologies that I am looking to focus for now:
  • Python
  • SQL
  • JS
  • HTML / CSS

Here's the list of courses / resources that I'm going to use to learn FSWD:
  • Learn Python Programming Masterclass
  • Web Scraping and API Fundamentals in Python

SoloLearn Python Course

Full-Stack Developer Nanodegree Program

I also watch a lot of videos to better understand what I should focus my learning, get some ideas, and pick up technical knowledge.

I don't think this Journey will be updated very frequently especially in the beginning while I'm still familiarize myself with fundamentals of technologies and languages, but I will try to provide my periodic updates on my progress and I will share some recommendation on what worked and what didn't work for me, so other people on similar journey can avoid my mistakes.

Additionally, please feel free to share your advice. If there are some courses, websites, or services that may help me utilize my time more efficiently please let me know as I have only so many hours on a weekly basis to spend on learning to code.
