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Full Version: Reading serial data and saving to a file
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Hi ,
I am trying to read a serial data and save that in a file. I could not print any data to the file.

from __future__ import print_function
import serial, time, io, datetime
from serial import Serial
import time

addr = "COM5" ## serial port to read data from
baud = 921600 ## baud rate for instrument

ser = serial.Serial(
    port = addr,\
    baudrate = baud,\

print("Connected to: " + ser.portstr)
f   = open("data_file.txt", "a")

while True:
    s    = ser.readline()
    line = s.decode('utf-8').replace('\r\n','')
    f.write(line+"\r\n")	# Appends output to file
Can someone help me. Thank you.
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