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Full Version: Comparisons with functions
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If I have a function with some values that I defined in the function, how would i go about getting those values out to be check against.
I know I can return values, just not sure with this setup.
Any guidance much appreciated.

Some other stuff above

check = ['x','x','x']

for value in self.possible():
    if check in value:
        do stuff

def possible(self):
        # Rows
        self.row1 = [self.grid[0], self.grid[1], self.grid[2]]
        self.row2 = [self.grid[3], self.grid[4], self.grid[5]]
        self.row3 = [self.grid[6], self.grid[7], self.grid[8]]

        # Columns
        self.col1 = [self.grid[0], self.grid[3], self.grid[6]]
        self.col2 = [self.grid[1], self.grid[4], self.grid[7]]
        self.col3 = [self.grid[2], self.grid[5], self.grid[8]]

        # Diagonals
        self.diag1 = [self.grid[0], self.grid[4], self.grid[8]]
        self.diag2 = [self.grid[2], self.grid[4], self.grid[6]]

I figured it out. I made a list with the values and returned them. I must be getting tired.
If it is solved, you can mark the thread as solved!