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Full Version: Creating a list of RSSI value and send it to the server.
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Hi there.

I'm trying to create an Indoor Positioning System using iBeacon signal, Bluepy and Raspberry Pi Zero W. Basically my Python code (which I refer tutorial on the Internet) can read the RSSI value from my BLE beacon. Below is my python code to scan and print the RSSI value of iBeacon:


import time
from bluepy.btle import Scanner, DefaultDelegate

class ScanDelegate(DefaultDelegate):
    def __init__(self):

    def HandleDiscovery(self,dev,new_dev,new_dat):
        if new_dev:
        if new_dat:
scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate())

time_diff = 0
first_time = 1
while 1:
        devices = scanner.scan(0.35)
##        print("Amount of Devices = "+str(len(devices)))
        for ii in devices:
##            print(ii.addr)
            if ii.addr == '50:51:a9:fe:b4:c6':

                print("Device %s, RSSI=%d dB" % (ii.addr,ii.rssi))
                if first_time == 1:
                    first_time = 0
                    time_diff = time.time()-time_prev

                time_prev = time.time()
                rssi_prev = ii.rssi

So now, I need to create a list of this RSSI value, UUID and all the data related before I can send them to a server. Since I'm new to this Python programming, so I don't know how to put all the informations that I get in a list.

Thanks in advance for help.