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Full Version: Performance degradation with IO class inheritance
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Hi all!

I recently tried to build a new IO class from python built-in IO classes. I noticed some performance degradation for these new classes. I wondering if anyone knows what might be the possible cause/fix for this.

from _io import FileIO, BufferedReader

class FileIO_new(FileIO): ()
class BufferedReader_new(BufferedReader): ()

def built_in_io():
    # a 3.5 MB file
    raw = FileIO('filename', 'r')
    buffer = BufferedReader(raw)
    lines = buffer.readlines()
def new_io():
    raw = FileIO_new('filenmae','r')
    buffer = BufferedReader_new(raw)
    lines = buffer.readlines()

>>>%timeit built_in_io()
1.79 ms ± 14.3 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
>>>%timeit new_io()
5.25 ms ± 87 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
It's really slower. If you use a ramdisk, you've lesser problems with caching and buffers during testing.
But I got the similar results.

Here my testcode:
import io
import os
import shlex
import timeit
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import rmtree
from subprocess import call
from contextlib import contextmanager

RAMDISK = Path("ramdisk")
TESTFILE = RAMDISK / "testfile.bin"

def mount_ramfs():
    cmd = shlex.split(f"sudo mount -t ramfs ramfs {RAMDISK}")

def umount_ramfs():
    cmd = shlex.split(f"sudo umount {RAMDISK}")

def make_test_file():
    with"wb") as fd:
        fd.write(os.urandom(4 * 1024 ** 2))

def with_testfile():
        yield TESTFILE
    except Exception as e:

## testcode ##
class FileIO_new(io.FileIO): pass
class BufferedReader_new(io.BufferedReader): pass

def built_in_io(testfile):
    raw = io.FileIO(testfile, 'r')
    buffer = io.BufferedReader(raw)
    lines = buffer.readlines()

def new_io(testfile):
    raw = FileIO_new(testfile, 'r')
    buffer = BufferedReader_new(raw)
    lines = buffer.readlines()

with with_testfile() as tf:
    print(tf, tf.stat().st_size / 1024 ** 2, "MiB")
    result_built_in = timeit.timeit("built_in_io(tf)", globals=globals(), number=1000)
    result_new_io = timeit.timeit("new_io(tf)", globals=globals(), number=1000)
    print(f"BuiltIn: {result_built_in:.3f}")
    print(f"NewIO: {result_new_io:.3f}")
ramdisk/testfile.bin 4.0 MiB BuiltIn: 3.578 NewIO: 5.005
The built-in _io is implemented in C.
If you inherit from it, then Python comes into the game.
I guess this is the cause why it's much slower.
The time spent to creatine new instances seems not to be the problem.
I changed the test code a bit, that I create the instances only once a dusing instead seek(0).
Same result, no improvement.

I guess that's why the project Borgbackup implemented the functions for file access/chunking etc. with Cython and C.
Borgbackup is a tool for backups with deduplication written in Python:
Thanks for answering! Just find it weird (and interesting) somehow the performance is not the same, but still outperforms the python implementation of io (_pyio) so much. Also thanks for the tricks!