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Full Version: How to give a name to function arguments in C-API?
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I'm trying to solve this problem but still in pycharm, when i'm looking at my function argument
name i see only "*args" and "**kwargs" despite "labels_list" which i set while defining my function in
I can pass argument with keyword "labels_list" or without it, but i can't see this argument name
in function arguments list in PyCharm.

Here is my code:

static PyObject* encode_one_hot(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs) {

	PyArrayObject* labels = NULL;
	PyArrayObject* one_hot;

	npy_intp dims[2];

	map<int, int> classes_map;

	int current_label;
	int labels_size;

	int new_numeration = 0;

	void* ptr;

	static char* kwlist[] = { (char*)"labels_list", NULL };

	if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "O", kwlist, &labels))
		return NULL;

	PyArray_Sort(labels, 0, NPY_QUICKSORT);

	labels_size = PyArray_SIZE(labels);

	for (int i = 0; i < labels_size; i++) {
		ptr = PyArray_GETPTR1(labels, i);
		current_label = PyLong_AsLong(PyArray_GETITEM(labels, ptr));

		if (classes_map.find(current_label) == classes_map.end()) {
			classes_map[current_label] = new_numeration;

	dims[0] = labels_size;
	dims[1] = (int)classes_map.size();

	one_hot = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_ZEROS(2, dims, NPY_INT, 0);

	for (int i = 0; i < labels_size; i++) {
		current_label = classes_map[PyLong_AsLong(PyArray_GETITEM(labels, PyArray_GETPTR1(labels, i)))];
		ptr = PyArray_GETPTR2(one_hot, i, current_label);

		PyArray_SETITEM(one_hot, ptr, PyLong_FromLong(1));
	return PyArray_Return(one_hot);
I'll be very gratefull for help :)