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Full Version: cursor cross hairs want date not x index
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I am using the following cursor class called from a data manipulation routine. I simply want to output the date from the xaxis not the x value (0-24) that represents the total count values avaiable on the x axis of the mouse as it is moved in (x).

Currently it outputs correctly (x,y) values as it was intended by whoever wrote this (matplotlib).
I simply want (xdate, y). Where x date is the real xaxis value

I wanted to post a photo but I dont have an url ... its on the local machine?
Basically the values displayed as the mouse moves look like (14.39, 5.32)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

class Cursor(object):
    def __init__(self, ax): = ax
        self.lx = ax.axhline(color='k')  # the horiz line = ax.axvline(color='k')  # the vert line

        # text location in axes coords
        self.txt = ax.text(0.7, 0.9, '', transform=ax.transAxes)

    def mouse_move(self, event):
        if not event.inaxes:

        x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata
        # update the line positions

        self.txt.set_text('x=%1.2f, y=%1.2f' % (x, y))
Any help would be really appreciated