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Full Version: If elif else alternative
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What is a more Pythonic way of doing this? I've seen some examples using tuples and dictionaries but they don't seem to return the same varialbe.

if integerLength == 1:
    n = 1
elif integerLength == 2:
    n = 10
elif integerLength == 3:    
    n = 100
elif integerLength == 4:
    n = 1000
elif integerLength == 5:    
    n = 10000
    n = 100000
What is the context? What are you doing with it.
two alternatives

>>> integerLength = 3
>>> n = 100000 if integerLength > 5 else 10**integerLength # using ternary expression
>>> n
>>> n = 10**min(integerLength, 5)
>>> n
also, for ternary expressions check this
Code in full;
import math

maxValue = 415.2 
integerPart = str(maxValue).split('.')[0] # selects the integer part
integerLength = len(integerPart)

if integerLength == 1:
    n = 1
elif integerLength == 2:
    n = 10
elif integerLength == 3:    
    n = 100
elif integerLength == 4:
    n = 1000
elif integerLength == 5:    
    n = 10000
    n = 100000
maxValueAdd = float(maxValue) + n + 0.1 # n allows for a value to be returned that is higher by the same factor 
d = int(math.ceil(maxValueAdd)) # calculates the upper bound and returns an integer

print "Maximum value = {}".format(maxValue)
print "Y axis maximum = {}".format(d)
Quote:What is a more Pythonic way of doing this? I've seen some examples using tuples and dictionaries

It would be something along the lines of.
d = {

if integerLength in d:
    n = d[integerLength]
    n = 100000
Or if you wanted the else clause in the dict 
d = {

if intergerLength in d:
    n = d[interLength]
    n = d[0]
dont quote me on that though, i literally just woke up and it takes a few for my brain to start  Think
based on metulburr's suggestion:

>>> d = {
>>> n = d.get(integerLength, 100000)

in addition one could use dict comprehension to construct the dict

d = {k+1:10**k for k in range(5)}
(Apr-11-2017, 12:07 PM)in addition one could use dict comprehension to construct the dict Wrote: [ -> ]
d = {k+1:10**k for k in range(5)}

That's great, as potentially the range may be higher than the 100000 I've detailed.  Dance
More pythonic way and i would say more easy way to implement this is using dictionary and list comprehension :

dict = {'

n=raw_input() # any input

print dict['rest'] if len([dict[i] for i in dict if i==n] )==0 else [dict[i] for i in dict if i==n][0] # your result
It's almost unreadable.
@ankit - there is nothing pythonic in this

dict['rest'] if len([dict[i] for i in dict if i==n] )==0 else [dict[i] for i in dict if i==n][0]
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