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Full Version: OCR to database
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So I am needing some help, I am new to python and programming in general but I am trying to use a raspberry pi to take a pic of a document then send it through and OCR like tesseract and then take that information and put it into a database. Can anyone give me an idea of how to start this. Please
Hello, you have specifically named every component/step of the project you want to make. Judging by the question, you simply need to familiarize yourself with each of these components and build the application, step by step. My answer would be, bluntly put, to search the internet for each of these subjects and attempt to write the code. If you face any issues with coding or have conceptual questions about something coding related, you are welcome to post the question here, with related code, information, error messages if there are any...
Thanks j.crater I guess I will google some more.
I will post back if I have any more questions