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Full Version: Bug: Adding link removed space character
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I wrote a post and after that I decided to put a link to sys module documentation. But when I hit 'update' the forum removed the space between 'sys' and 'is'. I tried again. The same is happening
I can not reproduce that.
The sys is a

View source(Ctrl+Shif+s) can show if there as example a extra space in link you copy from.
(Apr-13-2017, 07:07 AM)wavic Wrote: [ -> ]put a link to sys module documentation

Exactly how do you do it though?

For example I noticed, when I simply double-click a word (to select it) for adding a link to it, then the space character after the word will also be selected, and will also receive the link status. Which is somewhat dumb and not what I'd expect. It is a minor issue though. Maybe something simlar is happening in your case.
(Apr-13-2017, 12:39 PM)Kebap Wrote: [ -> ]Exactly how do you do it though?
I've opened the post in Full Edit mode to make sys word a link. Double click to select it then the link button on the toolbar.
Quote:I wrote a post and after that I decided to put a link to sys module documentation. But when I hit 'update' the forum removed the space between 'sys' and 'is'. I tried again. The same is happening
I can not reproduce this either. The only oddity i have found about the editor is the times it will add an extra newline in the codebox, but i have never had it remove any whitespace before.
Maybe we have to know browser/OS as well, as this seems to be different from what I currently see in Firefox/Win7, and you seem to be the first user reporting this at all

Did it also happen for you for example when you made "post" a link in your first post in this very thread? Or did it only happen that one time there?
So, I've tried again and I saw that the space after the link is part of it. I've added one more space character and is not glued together anymore.
This is not the first time when I am editing a post to make a word link but nothing like that has happened before.