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Full Version: Multiple MEAN value using FOR loop
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I use the following code to find MEAN by using For loop,

It displays value for MEAN(5) but, for MEAN(8) it throws an error message - IndexError: list assignment index out of range.

It seems the problem in FOR loop. Can anyone help to fix this issue.

ndays = ([5, 8])
meanALL = ['']

for i in range(len(ndays)):

    meanALL[i] = df.rolling(window=ndays[i]).Price.mean().groupby('Name').head(ndays[i]).dropna()
There is no meanAll[1]. You probably want to do this:
ndays = ([5, 8])
meanALL = []
for n in ndays:
    meanALL.append(df.rolling(window=n).Price.mean() \
I get different output if called,

First Option it returns 3 values rather than 2 (duplicate of MEAN(5))
ndays = ([5, 8])
meanALL = []

for n in ndays:


xyz 261.595
Name: Price, dtype: float64]
xyz 261.595
Name: Price, dtype: float64, Name
xyz 266.723333
Name: Price, dtype: float64]

Second Option it returns 1 value (only MEAN(5))rather than 2
def funct1(ndays):

SMA = []

for n in ndays:

return meanALL

print(funct1([5, 8]))


xyz 261.595
Name: Price, dtype: float64]