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Full Version: List all installed TeX packages in Linux
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Been doing some Latex lately, so I wrote this little script to list all the tex packages on my system
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# name:
# author: Gribouillis
# inspired by:
# requirement: plumbum, more_itertools
from more_itertools import unique_everseen
from pathlib import Path
from plumbum import cli, local

__version__ = '2020.07.21'

def kpsepath():
    """List of potential directories where to find tex modules
    Usually contains the current directory '.'
    L =  local["kpsepath"]('tex').strip().split(':')
    L = [x.lstrip('!').rstrip('/') for x in L]
    return L

def istyle_file(ipath=None):
    """Iterable of tex style files contained under one of the directories
       ipath: iterable of directories where to find style files
    The search recurses the directories
    def istyle_file():
        for p in (ipath or kpsepath()):
            if Path(p).is_dir():
                r = local['find'](p, '-name', '*.sty').strip().split('\n')
                yield from r
    return unique_everseen(istyle_file())

def itex_package(ipath=None):
    """Sorted list of the tex packages installed under the directories
        ipath: iterable of directories where to find packages
    def ipackage(ipath):
        for f in istyle_file(ipath):
            yield f.rsplit('/', 1)[-1].rsplit('.', 1)[0]
    return sorted(unique_everseen(ipackage(ipath)))

class App(cli.Application):
    """Print a list of installed tex packages on this computer"""
    VERSION = __version__
    def main(self):
        for x in itex_package():

if __name__ == '__main__':
Haven't used it since creating (in combination with Lisp)
Used to do all my documentation (1980's) in LaTex.
Very powerful.
The biggest power of latex is that it can be generated by other programs...