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Full Version: In ArgParse, can two compatible formatter_class values be used?
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When setting up argparse, I would like to use BOTH formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter AND formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter so that the user sees argument default values AND I can code multiline pre-indented "description" and "epilog" values.

If that possible, what is the correct syntax? Or can only one formatter_class value be used?

TIA for any assistance you can provide.

Looking into arpgarse's code, we see that ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter overrides a single method _get_help_string() and RawDescriptionHelpFormatter overrides only _fill_text(). It may depend on the python version, but I think you could try this
class MyFormatter(ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter):

Thank you very much, that worked flawlessly.

Marking this issue solved.
