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Full Version: How to determine how many variables are referring the same id in python?
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consider the python code below
    divyansh = 22
    jhon = 22
    # below are id's
    # all of the above ids will be same 
now i wish to find the names of the variables referring this particular id. |OR| The number of the variables reffing this particular id.

is there any way of doing this in python
Look at sys.getrefcount and gc.get_referrers
Why do want to do this?.
It also break over integer 256.
>>> divyansh = 2222
>>> jhon = 2222
>>> id(divyansh)
>>> id(jhon)
>>> id(2222)
Then it step out small integer optimization between -5 and 256.
Quote:Why do want to do this?.
It also break over integer 256.
>>> divyansh = 2222
>>> jhon = 2222
>>> id(divyansh)
>>> id(jhon)
>>> id(2222)
Then it step out small integer optimization between -5 and 256.

actually i am doing this because i want to pass two variables to max() function and what ever is greater i want to have the name printed of that variable and the value of that variable,

ex- divyansh is the name of the person and 22 is the age
jhon is the name of the person and 21 is the age
so i want to have the name and the age of the person printed
so i did-->
jhon =21
# but here determine_the_name will have 22 not the variable name divyansh 
# so i taught that id of 22 will be same and if any how i can know the references of that id then it will lead to the variable name somehow

i know i can do this very easily through if-else ladder but i don't want to go that way,

and as we know this concept of referring works in decorators so i thought there can be a similar way to approach this
# in decorators we can get the real wrapper function name by using __name__ method onto the decorated method as
print(decorated_function.__name__) # will return the name of the actual function which is responsible the functionality of decorated_function 
that's example, why your meaningful data (i.e. the name) should be kept out of variable name.
This would be nice example of using namedtuple

from collections import namedtuple
Person = namedtuple('Person', 'name age')

persons = [Person('John', 21), Person('Divyansh', 22)]
oldest = max(persons, key=lambda x: x.age)
print('The oldest person is {name}, who is {age} years old.'.format(**oldest._asdict()))
# print(f'The oldest person is {}, who is {oldest.age} years old.')

name, age = min(persons, key=lambda x: x.age)
print(f'The youngest person is {name}, who is {age} years old.')
Of course it could be done in a number of other ways... e.g.
data = {'var1': 21, 'var2':22}
key, value = max(data.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
print(f'Max value {value} for key {key}')
Variables should be thought of as, well, variables. Variables are a place to store a value, not the value itself. "name" is a good name for a variable, but "johnsmith" is not.