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Full Version: problem with libspatialindex using tkinter
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I am trying to generate .exe with the help of pyinstaller. However, when I try to run my executable file it generates an error :

in exec_module
File "rtree\",line 126, in <module>
OSError: could not find or load spatialindex_c-64.dll
[16436] Failed to execute script main
I have seen few questions related to this problem but nothing helps. I tried to uninstall rtree and download a .whl file but after installation error was similiar but spatialindex_c-64.dll was substituted with spatialindex_c.dll

Thank for response!
First of all - your problem has nothing to do with tkinter. You don't mention pyinstaller in your thread title.
We don't see your code, but it's most likely that's a problem with the import or path