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Full Version: Tkinter window anomaly.
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I am running a data processing program which has a Tkinter window displaying running results and the current time.
I am puzzled that occasionally the Close "X" button on the tkinter window turns colour RED for a short while.
This does not appear to have any repercussions on the program running.

However, it would be interesting to know if anyone can shed some light on significance of this transient phenomenon.


On Windows 10, if i hover the cursor other any windows close "X" button the button background turns red.
Is it possible that is what is hapening.
Another possibility is a long running task is blocking the GUI loop.
You may be right Yoriz re Windows 10, perhaps on concentrating on the displayed results, maybe I was unaware of my cursor location.
Having said that, some processes are running for several hours, so maybe there is an issue there too.

I will keep a close eye on the goings on.

