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i've been trying to understand how keepassx works

i've installed (keepassx
(mxlinux 18.2) and it runs fine

using synaptic i've obtained a list of all files thereby installed

i see that /usr/share/applications/keepassx.desktop if opened produces the main window

and /usr/lib/x86_64-linuxgnu/keepassx/ opens wxglade (which i have installed)

i have also wownloaded keepassx source files

keepassx is run with the command keepassx %f

all of the files from synaptic info - with the exception of the 2 abovementioned, are in the usr/share/keepassx/icons or /share translations or man or mime folders

which file actually runs keepassx fully?

i want to understand how this works so i can try modifying or using parts of keepassx to learn to create a similar simplified version

Is this something written in python?
at least some is written in python

Quote:KeePassX is a cross platform password manager. However, KeePassX is a desktop GUI application. That's where python-keepassx comes in. By using python-keepassx, you can access your passwords using a command line interface to KeePassX. You can also use the python library directly in your own python applications.

Python-keepassx: simple, command line interface to your passwords.
python-keepass is separate library that can interact with via cli with keepass kdbx files. and it's OLD, like 5 years old.
There is pykeepass which looks actively maintained.

there are plenty of clients/ports for keepass. keepassx is just one of them and you can look at it's source code by downloading a tar or here:
As you can see - it's written in C++
I guess a good starting point is to look at original keepass - if you want to familiarize with the format and functionality. It's open source project, actively maintained a lot of clients and plugins
There is also keepassxc under GNU gpl, written in C++.