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Full Version: python in cpanel I need a example
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I am starting in PYTHON but so far all my code is in local host with VSCODE or IDE online.
Could someone give me a simple example like hello world! to be able to use on a private server with cPanel.
I send the image from a private server where I use other tools like Joomla Mybb and others.
I want to do it in
[Image: xm9Cl5o.jpg]

[Image: FhjFH69.jpg]
  • set up an ssh connection with your host
  • Open host with a terminal emulator like putty, or other emulator app
  • Navigate to your python application source code path
  • Assuming host has python capability, execute python from host command line: python
From what i have seen with CPANEL, and as a general rule on website hosting services - while they do offer shell account basics like access to scripts like python, perl, etc - they are extremely limited in scope and often special requests must be made to add modules and the like.

If you are trying to learn Python, the cloud is probably the worst place, as you have little control over the software itself.

Use a desktop, or a laptop and simply install python, probably better Anaconda (along with Cmder) which will have access to things like Idle and Jupyter.
You need ssh access to your vhost. Then you can follow this description.
Did you ever find a solution to the cpanel setup. I also have the same problem where i don't understand how it should be setup in python where you can run your main excecutable and your supporting files.