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Full Version: barcodes scanner for kivy
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hiii i'm having the same problem can you tell me plz how did you fix it ??
Sorry. I never figured it out and abandoned the project
There's something curious about that package. The githib site has a last commit date of Sep 11, 2013
the pypi entry for that has a date of 2016-08-26
I would be very suspicious of that package.

Search engine pulled up wrong package
It is a buildoser issue. If you package it manually this shouldn't happen. I have tried to make an android app before with no success. If someone can provide a link to how to pack properly Kivy app I will be grateful.
How is it buldozer issue? And if you dont know how to do it manually, how do you know that it will fix it?
Because somehow people manage to make an Android app with Kivy. Even the most basic app from the website didn't become .apk when I tested the buildozer. I had installed the latest buildozer package, I did the .spec file. Nothing. I tried to find any info about the errors I've got. Fixed one, which was caused by a .py file in buildozer package. Then another one popped up and I stuck. I asked for a help in SO, here, everywhere I know but nothing. I will try again in the near future but I have no time and desire right now.
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