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Full Version: Installing nltk dependency
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I have a python package for which nltk is a dependent package i.e. part of install_requires. My package has a dependency on wordnet corpus downloaded i.e.'wordnet'). In order to do this I was able to use cmdclass: install and setup the download. This worked well until we had a requirement to install my package into a specific target folder. What would happen is if nltk isn't present for the default location where setup is running it would fail with module not found error. I saw guidance that nltk should also be part of setup_requires. This just fails installation at the begining. So have a few questions on this,

Is there a way to force install nltk in the location for setup to pick it up in addition to the target path?
Is there a better way to handle this overall scenario. I could remove the custom install action and instead do the download from within my module at runtime. But I don't quite like that option.

Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.