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I have been working on a game which involves leveling up skills through different tasks. When a person types /m in the console and is in the coal mine, among other things the mining_skill variable is supposed to increase. No errors are returned, however, the variable does not increase, it will alternate from 5 to 3. In the program, you can see the variables by typing /skill

I tried condensing the program and setting it up the same way and that works perfectly fine - for some reason this doesn't. Thanks!

#imports here
import random
import time
import sys

#all the variables!
health = 20
coins = 700

#skill levels
combat_skill = 0
mining_skill = 0
farming_skill = 0

shop_buy_options = ["Lapis Helmet","Lapis Chestplate","Lapis Leggings","Lapis Boots","Hardened Diamond","Young Dragon Fragment","Diamond Helmet","Diamond Chestplate","Diamond Leggings","Diamond Boots","Speed Talisman"]
shop_forge_options = ["Reforged Iron Helmet","Reforged Iron Chesplate","Reforged Iron Leggings","Reforged Iron Boots","Reforged Iron Sword","Diamond Helmet","Diamond Chestplate","Diamond Leggings","Diamond Boots", "Diamond Sword","Hardened Diamond Helmet","Hardened Diamond Chestplate","Hardened Diamond Leggings","Hardened Diamond Boots", "Hardened Diamond Sword","Young Dragon Helmet","Young Dragon Chestplate","Young Dragon Leggings","Young Dragon Boots","Dragon Slayer Sword","Aether Shell"]

location = ["base"]
two_location = ["Spider's Den","Coal Mine","Wheat Fields"]

armor_number = 0
inventory = ["Iron_Sword","Chainmail Helmet","Chaimail Chestplate", "Chainmail Leggings", "Chainmail Boots"]

name = input("Enter your username:")

#player data
player_data_1=open(name, "w")

Welcome to Dungeon Run!

This is a fighter game all about getting the best armor and weapons to kill the Aether Dragon.
There are many things for you to explore!

Note: Exact spelling is necessary!

input("In a starter set, I will give you a full set of chaimail armor and a standard sword.")

def console_main():
    global console_command
    #global location
    global shop_buy_options
    global shop_forge_options
    global inventory
    global coins
    global combat_skill
    global mining_skill
    global farming_skill
    console_command = input("Enter a command. Type /q for the list of all possible commands.")
#routine updates
    player_data_1=open(name, "w")
    for element in inventory:

    #  if "Iron Chestplate" in inventory

    if console_command == "/q":
/q: list all commands
/e: list inventory
/r: return to base
/m: mine(if applicable)
/l: list warp opprotunities and warp
/s: access the shop (if at the base)
/d: drop an item
/qu: save and quit
/location: list current location
/skill: display all skill levels
    if console_command == "/skill":
        print("Mining Skill: ",mining_skill)
        print("Farming Skill: ",farming_skill)
        print("Combat Skill: ",combat_skill)

    if console_command == "/e":

    if console_command == "/location":

    if console_command == "/r":
        del location[:]
        print (location)
        print ("You are at ",location)

    if console_command == "/l":
        print("Choose which location to warp to.")
        del location[:]
        print("Available locations you've unlocked:",two_location,": ")
        location.append(input("Enter your chocie: "))
        print ("You are at ",location)

    if console_command == "/m":
        if location == ["Coal Mine"]:
            mining_skill = mining_skill =+ 5
            mining_randomness = random.randint(1,101)
            if mining_randomness >= 70:
                print("You found Coal!")
                mining_skill = mining_skill =+ 3

                print("You found nothing of importance.")

    if console_command == "/qu":

    if console_command == "/d":
        drop_item = input("Drop which item?")
        print("You dropped one ",drop_item)

#shop code
    if console_command == "/s" and location == ["base"]:
        print("Welcome to the shop! Here you can forge things, sell others, and buy yet others!")
        shop_options = input("""


#Shop: Buy
        if shop_options == "Buy":
            print("You have ",coins," coins in your account")
            print("A catalog of all available items to buy (Prices are displayed when you open an item): (type /n to not buy anything")
            shop_buy = input(shop_buy_options)

            if shop_buy == "Lapis Helmet":
                buy_confirm_lapis_helmet = input("Type Y / N to confirm order. Price: 500 coins")

                if buy_confirm_lapis_helmet == "Y" and coins > 500:
                    inventory.append("Lapis Helmet")
                    coins = coins - 500
                    print("You bought a Lapis Helmet!")
            if shop_buy == "Lapis Chestplate" and coins > 800:
                buy_confirm_lapis_chestplate = input("Type Y / N to confirm order. Price: 800 coins")

                if buy_confirm_lapis_chestplate == "Y":
                    inventory.append("Lapis Chestplate")
                    coins = coins - 800
                    print("You bought a Lapis Chestplate!")

            if shop_buy == "Lapis Leggings" and coins > 700:
                buy_confirm_lapis_leggings = input("Type Y / N to confirm order. Price: 700 coins")

                if buy_confirm_lapis_leggings == "Y":
                    inventory.append("Lapis Leggings")
                    coins = coins - 700
                    print("You bought a pair of Lapis Leggings!")
            if shop_buy == "Lapis Boots" and coins > 400:
                buy_confirm_lapis_boots = input("Type Y / N to confirm order. Price: 400 coins")

                if buy_confirm_lapis_boots == "Y":
                    inventory.append("Lapis Boots")
                    coins = coins - 400
                    print("You bought a pair of Lapis Boots!")

        if shop_options == "Forge":
            print("You have ",coins," coins in your account")
            print("A catalog of all available items to Forge (It is free to forge an item, but you must have all the required materials):")
            forge_options = input(shop_forge_options)

            if forge_options == "Reforged Iron Helmet":
                print("You need 27 pieces of coal to reforge any iron armor.")
                confirm_reforge_iron_helmet = input("Reforge Iron Helmet? Y / N")
                coal_counter_helmet = 0
                if confirm_reforge_iron_helmet == "Y" and "Iron Helmet" in inventory:
                    for x in range(0,3):
                        if "Coal" in inventory:
                            coal_counter_helmet = coal_counter_helmet =+ 1
                            print("Reforge Failed! Not enough coal!")
                    if coal_counter_helmet == 1:
                        inventory.append("Reforged Iron Helmet")
                        print("Reforge Successful! Reforged Iron Helmet created. Make sure to equip it!")
                    print("Reforge cancelled.")

            if forge_options == "Reforged Iron Chestplate":
                                print("You need 27 pieces of coal to reforge any iron armor.")
                                confirm_reforge_iron_chestplate = input("Reforge Iron Chestplate? Y / N")
                                coal_counter_chestplate = 0
                                if confirm_reforge_iron_chestplate == "Y" and "Iron Chestplate" in inventory:
                                    for x in range(0,28):
                                        if "Coal" in inventory:
                                            coal_counter_chestplate = coal_counter_chestplate =+ 1
                                            print("Reforge Failed! Not enough coal!")
                                    if coal_counter_chestplate == 1:
                                        inventory.append("Reforged Iron Chestplate")
                                        print("Reforge Successful! Reforged Iron Chestplate created. Make sure to equip it!")
                                    print("Reforge cancelled.")

            if forge_options == "Reforged Iron Leggings":
                                print("You need 27 pieces of coal to reforge any iron armor. Make sure you do!")
                                confirm_reforge_iron_leggings = input("Reforge Iron Leggings? Y / N")
                                coal_counter_leggings = 0
                                if confirm_reforge_iron_leggings == "Y" and "Iron Leggings" in inventory:
                                    for x in range(0,28):
                                        if "Coal" in inventory:
                                            coal_counter_leggings = coal_counter_leggings =+ 1
                                            print("Reforge Failed! Not enough coal!")
                                    if coal_counter_leggings == 1:
                                        inventory.append("Reforged Iron Leggings")
                                        print("Reforge Successful! Reforged Iron Leggings created. Make sure to equip it!")
                                    print("Reforge cancelled.")

            if forge_options == "Reforged Iron Boots":
                                print("You need 27 pieces of coal to reforge any iron armor.")
                                confirm_reforge_iron_boots = input("Reforge Iron Boots? Y / N")
                                coal_counter_boots = 0
                                if confirm_reforge_iron_boots == "Y" and "Iron Boots" in inventory:
                                    for x in range(0,28):
                                        if "Coal" in inventory:
                                            coal_counter_boots = coal_counter_boots =+ 1
                                            print("Reforge Failed! Not enough coal!")
                                    if coal_counter_boots == 1:
                                        inventory.append("Reforged Iron Boots")
                                        print("Reforge Successful! Reforged Iron Boots created. Make sure to equip it!")
                                    print("Reforge cancelled.")


while 1==1:
check line 106
There doesn't seem to be any problem with
mining_skill = mining_skill =+ 5

I must be missing something obvious here.
it should be either
mining_skill = mining_skill + 5
mining_skill += 5
at the moment you are just comparing mining_skill and the result of evaluation of mining_skill =+ 5. My initial thought was it should throw an error, but obliviously it's a valid code - chained assignment

>>> spam = eggs = 'foo'
>>> spam
>>> eggs
in your case spam and eggs are both maining_skills
x += 3
is a shorthand to increase a number by a value. You have instead:

x = x = +5
Theres no incrementing, just setting a variable (twice, sorta)
Ah. I believe this is the proper syntax for C++, I think I just confused them. Thanks a bunch!
(Aug-31-2020, 05:40 PM)buran Wrote: [ -> ]it's a valid code - chained assignment

>>> spam = eggs = 'foo'
>>> spam
>>> eggs
in your case spam and eggs are both maining_skills
(Aug-31-2020, 05:47 PM)Tbot1000 Wrote: [ -> ]Ah. I believe this is the proper syntax for C++, I think I just confused them. Thanks a bunch!
x = x =+ 5 is syntactically valid, but it is nonsensical. It evaluates as
x = +5
x = x
It is the same in C++ and Python. Will not throw an error, but not correct code unless you just want to set x to the value 5.

You may have been thinking of x = x += 5. As with the earlier example in C++ this is syntactically valid and nonsensical. It evaluates as
x += 5
x = x
And x += 5 evaluates as x = x + 5
This code adds 5 to x, but the extra assignment is unnecessary.

In Python x = x += 5 is invalid code.