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Hey guys. What I'm trying to achieve is to output the text for the text string generator out to a text box on my GUI.
Im at my wits end with this haha. I would like the 'Generate' button to generate another password. As it stands. When you run the app. It outputs the generated password to the shell.
import random
import string

# get random string password with letters, digits, and symbols
def get_random_password_string(length):
    password_characters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
    password = ''.join(random.choice(password_characters) for i in range(length))
    print("Random Password:", password)
from tkinter import *


def redirector(inputStr):
    textbox.insert(INSERT, inputStr) 
e3=Entry(window, textvariable="Author_text")
e3.grid(row=2, column=0)

l1=Label(window, text="Author: Sebz Technologies")
l1.grid (row=1, column=0)

l1=Label(window, text="Title: Password Generator")
l1.grid (row=0, column=0)

sys.stdout.write = redirector #whenever sys.stdout.write is called, redirector is called.

Your Button instance should have a 'command= ' parameter to call the get_random_password... function.
