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I'm trying to make a simple game in python.
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *

width, height = 640, 480
screen=pygame.display.set_mode ((width, height))

player = pygame.image.load("/home/pi/Downloads/resources/images/dude.png")
grass = pygame.image.load("/home/pi/Downloads/resources/images/grass.png")
castle = pygame.image.load("/home/pi/Downloads/resources/images/castle.png")

while 1:
    screen.blit(player, (100,100))

    for events in pygame.even.get():
        if events.type==pygame.QUIT:
I keep getting "AttributeError: module 'pygame' has no attribute 'even'

Would love some help, as I am very new to coding and new to python. Thanks!

just realized i mispelled event as even, so hopefully no one else runs into this problem. Smile
I suspect you are trying to call pygame.event.get() and have misspelled "event".