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Full Version: PyAD search function adquery
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Hi everyone,

I'm trying to search inside Active Directory with PyAD but it's not clear...

I've tried this (from :

from pyad import adquery

q = adquery.ADQuery()

	attributes = ["distinguishedName", "description"],
	where_clause = "objectClass = 'user'",
	base_dn = "CN=users, DC=Test, DC=internal"

for row in q.get_results():
This give me a list.

But I would like to add more criteria the reduce the result.

I tried few thing including this last one ->
	attributes = ["distinguishedName", "description"],
	where_clause = ["objectClass = 'user'","CN = 'John*'"],
	base_dn = "CN=users, DC=Test, DC=internal"
But that give me also an error (TypeError: sequence item 2: expected str instance, list found)
So I cannot feed where_clause a list :/

Any ideas ?
where_clause = "objectClass = 'user' and CN = 'John*'"
@buran it worked ! thanks !