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Full Version: Removing rows from array
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Hello, I want to replicate this Matlab code into Python

FILE(1:985,:) = [ ];

FILE is an nx2 array. n si quite large but it's not important. If I understand correctly, the code should remove from the FILE array all rows from first to 985th.

This is what I've come up with in Python

FILE = np.delete(FILE, FILE[0:985,...].astype('int'), axis = 0)
However it doesn't seem to work as I want, it removes only 19 rows from the array.

Why is that?

Here you can find the FILE array: it's a 40.001 x 2

The resulting FILE at the end should be 39.016 x 2 but I get 39.982 x 2
If you want to drop first 985 rows, just do:
FILE = FILE[985:, ...]
If you want to drop first 985 rows and convert the array to integer type do:
FILE = FILE[985:, ...].astype(int)  # maybe astype(np.int64), astype(np.int16) choose appropriate one.
If you still want to use delete, you can do the same as follows:
FILE = np.delete(FILE, range(985), axis=0)
Note, that the second argument is an array of row numbers to delete.
Finally, it is not pep8-compliant to use capitalized letters for variable names.
Thank you.

Can you please explain why my second argument

is not the same as yours
(Sep-18-2020, 01:50 PM)claw91 Wrote: [ -> ]Can you please explain why my second argument

Python Code: (Double-click to select all)
is not the same as yours
Python Code: (Double-click to select all)

You passed FILE[0:985,...].astype('int'), that are values of the first column converted to ints, but you need to pass row numbers which you want to be deleted, range(985) stands (approx.) for [0, 1, ..., 984] - these are row numbers.