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Full Version: Dictionary list
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Create a list called menu, which should contain at least 4 items in the
● Next, create a dictionary called stock, which should contain the stock
value for each item on your menu.
● Create another dictionary called price, which should contain the prices for
each item on your menu.
● Next, calculate the total stock worth in the cafe. You will need to
remember to loop through the appropriate dictionaries and lists to do
● Finally, print out the result of your calculation.

Any idea on how to tackle this?
By reading the instructions? Literally, it seems to tell you what to do. Surely you've learnt how to use the data structures, etc.? Otherwise, how did you rnd up with what looks like homework?
(Sep-20-2020, 12:13 PM)ndc85430 Wrote: [ -> ]By reading the instructions? Literally, it seems to tell you what to do. Surely you've learnt how to use the data structures, etc.? Otherwise, how did you rnd up with what looks like homework?
Its creating 2 lists then convert them to a dictionary
I don't know where you're getting "convert" from. I don't see anything about conversions in what you posted.

In any case, if you want help, you're going to need to show us what you've done.

There's also no need to quote the previous post in its entirety.
menu = ['Burger','Cake','Sandwich','Tea']
price = ['32.55','22.80','15.45','10.20']
stock_dic = {key:value for key, value in zip(menu,price)}
Why are you storing prices as strings? What exactly are you having problems with?
Okay am I in the right direction though.

menu = ['Burger','Cake','Sandwich','Tea']
price = [32.55,22.80,15.45,10.20]
stock_dic = {key:value for key, value in zip(menu,price)}
keys = stock_dic.keys()
values = stock_dic.values()
stock = 0
for i in stock_dic.values()
    stock += i

You should have a dictionary named "price" that contains prices for each item. You should have a dictionary named "stock" that contains the stock value for each item. You should have a list called "menu" that is a list of all items. Hard code the dictionaries.

menu = ['Burger','Fries']
price = ['Burger':5.00, 'Fries':1.00]
stock = ['Burger':10, 'Fries':25]

The only time you iterate through menu is when calculating the total stock value.

Do what the assignment says, not what you think the assignment says. Try not to read anything into the problem description. If the assignment does not say "use the menu list to create a price dictionary" then don't do that.