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i am testing indents and stuff:

from sys import argv
def main():
    from sys import argv
    if len(argv) < 2:
        print 'no argument was given'
    if argv[1] == 'x':
        print 'the argument is x'
       print 'the argument is not x'
    print 'we are done'
something is appending 2 empty lines (3 newlines) when i paste in some code. but the indents look right so far.

looks good in preview, so i will try (again):

# -*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*-
# Copyright � 2009 - Philip Howard - All rights reserved
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
# program    sqrt_big
# purpose    Calculate lots of digits for the square root of a given number
#        using a scaled integer adaptation of Newton's method.
# usage        sqrt_big [number [digits]]
# note        The number defaults to zero.  Since the square root of zero
#        is not defined, this program calculates the Golden Ratio as
#        a special case.
# note        The number of digits defaults to zero.  If it is zero, this
#        program keeps running until something stops it, like user
#        intervention or out of memory.
import sys
import math

stderr = sys.stderr
stdout = sys.stdout

def main():
    write_limit = 10000

    # Get 0 or 1 or 2 arguments (defaults: 0 and 0)
    this_arg = '0'
    digits_max = 0
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        this_arg = sys.argv[1]
        if len(sys.argv) > 2:
            digits_max = int(sys.argv[2])

    num_parts = this_arg.split('.')
    if len(num_parts) == 1:
        num_parts = num_parts + ['0']
    if len(num_parts) != 2:
        stderr.write( "Number needs 0 or 1 '.'\n" )
    return 1
    if len(num_parts[0]) < 1:
        num_parts[0] = '0'
    if len(num_parts[1]) < 8:
        num_parts[1] = (num_parts[1] + '00000000')[0:8]
    num_whole = int( num_parts[0] )
    num_fract = int( num_parts[1] )
    num_scale = 10 ** len( num_parts[1] )

    if num_whole < 0 or num_fract < 0:
    stderr.write( "Number is negative\n" )
    return 1

    if num_whole == 0 and num_fract == 0:
        goldratio =         1
        num       = 125000000
        num_scale = 100000000
        goldratio =         0
        num       = num_whole * num_scale + num_fract

    # Use floating point sqrt() function to make an estimate.
    num_float = float(num)
    num_float /= float(num_scale)
    num_float = math.sqrt(num_float)
    num_float *= float(num_scale)
    root = int(num_float)
    root_scale = num_scale
    root_str = str(root)[0:1]

    # Do 12 cycles with short precision growth.
    for n in range( 0, 12 ):
        root = ( ( num * root_scale * root_scale + num_scale * root * root ) * root_scale ) / ( root + root )
        root /= root_scale
        root_scale *= num_scale
        root_str = str(root)

    digits = 1 + len(str(root)) - len(str(root_scale))
    if goldratio:
        # Fake the addition of 0.5 for the Golden Ratio.
        stdout.write( '1.6' )
        digits_done = 2
    elif digits > 0:
        # Output just the whole digits to get the fraction point in there.
        stdout.write( root_str[0:digits] )
        stdout.write( '.' )
        digits_done = digits
    elif digits <= 0:
    # Output enough 0 digits to align the fraction.
        stdout.write( '0.' )
    stdout.write( '0'*(-digits) )
        digits_done = 0

    # Do remaining cycles with long precision growth.
    for n in range( 0, 60 ):
        root = ( ( num * root_scale * root_scale + num_scale * root * root ) * root_scale ) / ( root + root )
        root_scale = root_scale * root_scale * num_scale
        root_str = str(root)
        digits = len(root_str) * 7 / 8;

        # Output the digits, with a limit per write, up to the maximum.
        while digits_done < digits:
            count = digits - digits_done
            if count > write_limit:
                count = write_limit
            if digits_max > 0:
                remain = digits_max - digits_done
                if count > remain:
                    count = remain
            stdout.write( root_str[ digits_done : digits_done + count ] )
            digits_done += count
            if digits_max > 0 and digits_done >= digits_max:
        if digits_max > 0 and digits_done >= digits_max:
    stdout.write( '\n' )
    return 0

yep the same append of 3 newlines happened (does not happen when i copy&paste within a term window). and the "return" on line 57 appears to be unindented at this point before i code wrap it.  so this narrows down the problem.  bad JS code handling the paste-in?  but what conditions are triggering this?  the minimal case worked OK.


lines 67 and 68 are also unindented. this is bad.


line 107 is unindented. looks like random corruption.


you can compare the code with
I am looking the source code of the page. For line 106 the code is:
<div class="line number106 index105 alt1">
    <code class="python spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code>
    <code class="python plain">stdout.write( </code>
    <code class="python string">'0.'</code>
    <code class="python plain">)</code>
In line 107 this one looks like that:
<div class="line number107 index106 alt2">
    <code class="python spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code>
    <code class="python plain">stdout.write( </code>
    <code class="python string">'0'</code>
    <code class="python keyword">*</code>
    <code class="python plain">(</code>
    <code class="python keyword">-</code>
    <code class="python plain">digits) )</code>
I can't tell what is causing it.
(Oct-05-2016, 06:26 AM)wavic Wrote: [ -> ]I am looking the source code of the page. For line 106 the code is:
<div class="line number106 index105 alt1">
    <code class="python spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code>
    <code class="python plain">stdout.write( </code>
    <code class="python string">'0.'</code>
    <code class="python plain">)</code>
In line 107 this one looks like that:
<div class="line number107 index106 alt2">
    <code class="python spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code>
    <code class="python plain">stdout.write( </code>
    <code class="python string">'0'</code>
    <code class="python keyword">*</code>
    <code class="python plain">(</code>
    <code class="python keyword">-</code>
    <code class="python plain">digits) )</code>
I can't tell what is causing it.

it is happening before it hits the server.  so no surprise that the HTML code varies in number of spaces.

here is a post of the code with manual edits to fix unindents i see (not a valid workaround since i may not see all of them).  oh dear, something bad is going on, i can't add indents in some cases and i can't unindent where i went too far.  there is defenitely something wrong in the JS code for MyBB or in my Firefox (version 49.0 on Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS)

# -*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*-
# Copyright � 2009 - Philip Howard - All rights reserved
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
# program    sqrt_big
# purpose    Calculate lots of digits for the square root of a given number
#        using a scaled integer adaptation of Newton's method.
# usage        sqrt_big [number [digits]]
# note        The number defaults to zero.  Since the square root of zero
#        is not defined, this program calculates the Golden Ratio as
#        a special case.
# note        The number of digits defaults to zero.  If it is zero, this
#        program keeps running until something stops it, like user
#        intervention or out of memory.
import sys
import math

stderr = sys.stderr
stdout = sys.stdout

def main():
    write_limit = 10000

    # Get 0 or 1 or 2 arguments (defaults: 0 and 0)
    this_arg = '0'
    digits_max = 0
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        this_arg = sys.argv[1]
        if len(sys.argv) > 2:
            digits_max = int(sys.argv[2])

    num_parts = this_arg.split('.')
    if len(num_parts) == 1:
        num_parts = num_parts + ['0']
    if len(num_parts) != 2:
        stderr.write( "Number needs 0 or 1 '.'\n" )
        return 1
    if len(num_parts[0]) < 1:
        num_parts[0] = '0'
    if len(num_parts[1]) < 8:
        num_parts[1] = (num_parts[1] + '00000000')[0:8]
    num_whole = int( num_parts[0] )
    num_fract = int( num_parts[1] )
    num_scale = 10 ** len( num_parts[1] )

    if num_whole < 0 or num_fract < 0:
        stderr.write( "Number is negative\n" )
        return 1

    if num_whole == 0 and num_fract == 0:
        goldratio =         1
        num       = 125000000
        num_scale = 100000000
        goldratio =         0
        num       = num_whole * num_scale + num_fract

    # Use floating point sqrt() function to make an estimate.
    num_float = float(num)
    num_float /= float(num_scale)
    num_float = math.sqrt(num_float)
    num_float *= float(num_scale)
    root = int(num_float)
    root_scale = num_scale
    root_str = str(root)[0:1]

    # Do 12 cycles with short precision growth.
    for n in range( 0, 12 ):
        root = ( ( num * root_scale * root_scale + num_scale * root * root ) * root_scale ) / ( root + root )
        root /= root_scale
        root_scale *= num_scale
        root_str = str(root)

    digits = 1 + len(str(root)) - len(str(root_scale))
    if goldratio:
        # Fake the addition of 0.5 for the Golden Ratio.
        stdout.write( '1.6' )
        digits_done = 2
    elif digits > 0:
        # Output just the whole digits to get the fraction point in there.
        stdout.write( root_str[0:digits] )
        stdout.write( '.' )
        digits_done = digits
    elif digits <= 0:
    # Output enough 0 digits to align the fraction.
        stdout.write( '0.' )
    stdout.write( '0'*(-digits) )
        digits_done = 0

    # Do remaining cycles with long precision growth.
    for n in range( 0, 60 ):
        root = ( ( num * root_scale * root_scale + num_scale * root * root ) * root_scale ) / ( root + root )
        root_scale = root_scale * root_scale * num_scale
        root_str = str(root)
        digits = len(root_str) * 7 / 8;

        # Output the digits, with a limit per write, up to the maximum.
        while digits_done < digits:
            count = digits - digits_done
            if count > write_limit:
                count = write_limit
            if digits_max > 0:
                remain = digits_max - digits_done
                if count > remain:
                    count = remain
            stdout.write( root_str[ digits_done : digits_done + count ] )
            digits_done += count
            if digits_max > 0 and digits_done >= digits_max:
        if digits_max > 0 and digits_done >= digits_max:
    stdout.write( '\n' )
    return 0
