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Full Version: create new variable that sums the array
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Hi Folks,

Could you please help me to understand how to create new variable that sums the array

create another variable that sums the array arg_numbers. Finish the line that starts with numbs_sum = by calculating the sum of all of numbers in the argument.

1. numbers = [13, 5102, 45, 2301.40, 203, 1502, 3]

numbers_sum = sum(numbers)
if len(numbers) >= 1:
If this is your data:

numbers = [13, 5102, 45, 2301.40, 203, 1502, 3]
You call the function sum, which returns the sum and assign it to a name.
total = sum(numbers)
total is now the sum of numbers.
I can be a float, but in your case it's an int because all input values are integers.

Then you can print the value:
print("Sum of number is:", total)
For statistics, you could use:
[quote='DeaD_EyE' pid='126814' dateline='1601033064']
If this is your data:

numbers = [13, 5102, 45, 2301.40, 203, 1502, 3]
You call the function sum, which returns the sum and assign it to a name.
total = sum(numbers)
total is now the sum of numbers.
I can be a float, but in your case it's an int because all input values are integers.

Then you can print the value:
print("Sum of number is:", total)
Hi Da Bishop,

Thanks for your prompt response the real query as below.

numbers = [13, 5102, 45, 2301.40, 203, 1502, 3]
numbers_sum = sum(numbers)
if len(numbers) >= 1:
# Complete the mean function 
[python]def mean(_____):
    numbs_sum = ______
    if ________:
        return _______
        return _______ 
# Test code - Do not change anything below this line
step 1:-
Fill in the blank in the mean function by providing the argument, which we will call - arg_numbers.
def mean(arg_numbers):
step2 :-
Now let's create another variable that sums the array arg_numbers. Finish the line that starts with numbs_sum = by calculating the sum of all of numbers in the argument.
numbs_sum = ______
so I struck in this step 2 level.
Line 2 does that