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Full Version: Populate the new lists by looping over the original lists
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have dataframe gapminder and every column is organized as separate list using code as below:

country =
continent = df.continent.to_list()
year = df.year.to_list()
I have created an empty list country_1990 and I want to populate it with data from year 1990 by looping over the original list country

How can I perform this task? Tried this:

for i in range(len( 
        if df.loc[df['year']== 1990 :
to check at each iteration of the loop if the associated record is from 1990 but not working
your code does not have as many ] as it has [ so they are out of balance.  i cannot figure out just what you are trying to do.  can you fix it and try post it again (with tags this time).