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Full Version: dictionaries becoming inputs
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Hello. I am trying to figure out how to make the dictionary find the answer and find an input question. any help would be nice.

c = input("what month is your event?April, January ")
b = input("what day do you want?1 or 25 etc.")
date = c+b
date = January = {'January1': (What), 'January2': 'where'}
where = input("what is happening on January 222st")
What = input("what is happening on January 1st")
I am trying to get the 'January1':(What) to then go to What = input("what is happening on January 1st")
I have to admit that I don't understand what is the objective here. However, I just point out that on row #3 you create variable date just to overwrite it on next line, not to mention that on row #4 you reference variable What before it is created.
You should read:

This example has no error checking and will fail if you enter wrong values:
import calendar
import datetime

name2month = list(calendar.month_name)
# name2month is a list, using later the index method:

results = []

year = 2020 # we need also a year if using date or datetime objects
month = name2month.index(input("what month is your event? April, January: ").title())
# str.title() converts the first letter into uppercase

day = int(input("what day do you want?1 or 25 etc: "))
# will fail if the users does not enter a valid number

time_stamp =, month, day)
# will fail later if the day is not on a calendar

where = input("Where? ")
what = input("What? ")

result = {"when": time_stamp, "where": where, "what": what}

what month is your event? April, January: April what day do you want?1 or 25 etc: 11 Where? Somewhere What? Looking [{'when':, 4, 11), 'where': 'Somewhere', 'what': 'Looking'}]