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Full Version: Compression/Decompression Code not working
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My code is supposed compress a text file into numbers and be able to save it to a file.Its also meant to be able to decompress a file and save the results in a file. If someone could help me fix this without drastically changing the code I would be grateful.

import re #imports library re
import csv #imports csv library so I can write to documents

def Menu():
while True: #menu is looped untill user gives valid data
print ("Press 1 for Compression , Press 2 for Decompression, Press 3 to Quit")#options are displayed to user
choice = input("Please choose an option: ") #user is asked to choose an option
if choice == "1":#if user chooses one Compress funtion is run
elif choice == "2":#if user chooses two Deompress funtion is run

elif choice == "3":#if user chooses three Compress program quits
print("Enter a valid choice")#if user enters an invalid choice they are promted to enter valid data

def Sentence(filename):
f = open(filename, "r")#open file user has chosen in read mode
sentence = #the data from the file is saved as sentence
sentenceList = re.split("(\W)", sentence)#conerts saved data from file into list
if "\n" in sentenceList: #unformats the file to make the list cleaner
return sentenceList#returns variable so can be used later

def Words(sentence):
UniqueWords = [] #empty list called Uniquewords defined
for word in sentence: #loops through sentence one word at a time
if word  not in UniqueWords:#if a word is not in list
UniqueWords.append(word)#adds the word to list
return UniqueWords#returns variable so can be used later

def Numbers(sentence, UniqueWords): #fucntion takes variables from other fucntions
NumbersList = []#empty list called Nuberlist defined
for word in sentence: #loops through sentence to find word position
num = UniqueWords.index(word)
NumbersList.append(num+1)#number added to count
return NumbersList#returns variable so can be used later

def Output(UniqueWords, NumbersList):

valid = False
while valid == False:#loop create
filename = input("What is the name of the file the data will be saved to: ")#asks the user for the name of their file
filename += ".txt"#adds .txt to end of file
if filename[0] != ".": #checks that name doesnt begin with dot or is a blank
valid = True
print ("Your filename is invalid as it starts with a dot or is blank.  Please try again.")

if valid == True:
if filename[0] == " ":#checks if name begins with space
valid = False
print("Your filename is invalid as it begins with a space.Please try again.")

files=open(filename,"w")#open/creates the user has specified
lists.writerow(NumbersList)#utilises variables from previous code to write data to file
files.close()#closes file
return filename#returns file

def Input():

valid = False
while valid == False:#loop created
filename = input("What is the name of the file you want to Compress/Decompress: ")#asks user for file to Decompress/Compress
filename += ".txt"#adds txt to users selcted file
if filename[0] != ".":#checks that name doesnt begin with dot or is a blank
valid = True
print ("Please retry as you filename is invalid due to their being a dot or blank.")

if valid == True:
if filename[0] == " ":#checks if filename begins with space
valid = False
print("Your filename begins with a Space please retry")
if valid == True:
f = open(filename, "r")
print ("File is in wrong format or doesnt exits Please retry ")
valid = False
f.close()#closes file
return filename #returns variable

def write(inputfile):
files=open(inputfile,"r")#opens file user has defined file in read mode
datalines=data.splitlines()#splits the file data into lines
numbers=datalines[0].split(",") #splits into commas
files.close()#closes file
return numbers#returns variable so can be used later

def GetData(inputname):
f = open(inputname, "r")#opens file user has defined
reader = csv.reader(f)
nums = next(reader)
words = next(reader)
f.close()#closes file
return nums, words#returns variable so can be used later 

def output(numbers, words):#this function changes the orders of numbers so that the final data displayed will be correct
outputstring = ""
numbers =reversed(numbers)
for char in numbers:
outputstring = words[int(char)-1] + outputstring
outputstring = outputstring.replace('\"', "")
outputstring = outputstring.replace('\'', "")
return outputstring

def Compress():
inputfile = Input() #takes variable from other funtion to be used 
sentence = Sentence(inputfile)#takes variable from other funtion to be used
UniqueWords = Words(sentence)#takes variable from other funtion to be used
NumbersList = Numbers(sentence, UniqueWords)#takes variable from other funtion to be used
Filename = Output(UniqueWords, NumbersList)#takes variable from other function to be used 
print ("Done, the data", UniqueWords, "and", NumbersList, "saved to file", Filename)#displays data and confirms operation was sucessful 

def Decompress():
inputfile = Input()
GetNumbers, GetWords = GetData(inputfile)
MakeOutput = output(GetNumbers, GetWords)#takes variable from other function to be used
Filename = Output(UniqueWords, NumbersList)
print ("Done!, file", inputfile, "has data \"" +  MakeOutput + "\"" "has been saved to",Filename)#displays data and confirms operation was sucessful
print("Error. File could not be found or was invalid format.")
Menu()#runs menu fucntion
You need to repost your code without any formatting. Try using " Ctrl + Shift + v" to paste between the code tags.

What exactly is it not doing? A better description would be appreciated.
import re #imports library re
import csv #imports csv library so I can write to documents

def Menu():
while True: #menu is looped untill user gives valid data
print ("Press 1 for Compression , Press 2 for Decompression, Press 3 to Quit")#options are displayed to user
choice = input("Please choose an option: ") #user is asked to choose an option
if choice == "1":#if user chooses one Compress funtion is run
elif choice == "2":#if user chooses two Deompress funtion is run

elif choice == "3":#if user chooses three Compress program quits
print("Enter a valid choice")#if user enters an invalid choice they are promted to enter valid data

def Sentence(filename):
f = open(filename, "r")#open file user has chosen in read mode
sentence = #the data from the file is saved as sentence
sentenceList = re.split("(\W)", sentence)#conerts saved data from file into list
if "\n" in sentenceList: #unformats the file to make the list cleaner
return sentenceList#returns variable so can be used later

def Words(sentence):
UniqueWords = [] #empty list called Uniquewords defined
for word in sentence: #loops through sentence one word at a time
if word  not in UniqueWords:#if a word is not in list
UniqueWords.append(word)#adds the word to list
return UniqueWords#returns variable so can be used later

def Numbers(sentence, UniqueWords): #fucntion takes variables from other fucntions
NumbersList = []#empty list called Nuberlist defined
for word in sentence: #loops through sentence to find word position
num = UniqueWords.index(word)
NumbersList.append(num+1)#number added to count
return NumbersList#returns variable so can be used later

def Output(UniqueWords, NumbersList):

valid = False
while valid == False:#loop create
filename = input("What is the name of the file the data will be saved to: ")#asks the user for the name of their file
filename += ".txt"#adds .txt to end of file
if filename[0] != ".": #checks that name doesnt begin with dot or is a blank
valid = True
print ("Your filename is invalid as it starts with a dot or is blank.  Please try again.")

if valid == True:
if filename[0] == " ":#checks if name begins with space
valid = False
print("Your filename is invalid as it begins with a space.Please try again.")

files=open(filename,"w")#open/creates the user has specified
lists.writerow(NumbersList)#utilises variables from previous code to write data to file
files.close()#closes file
return filename#returns file

def Input():

valid = False
while valid == False:#loop created
filename = input("What is the name of the file you want to Compress/Decompress: ")#asks user for file to Decompress/Compress
filename += ".txt"#adds txt to users selcted file
if filename[0] != ".":#checks that name doesnt begin with dot or is a blank
valid = True
print ("Please retry as you filename is invalid due to their being a dot or blank.")

if valid == True:
if filename[0] == " ":#checks if filename begins with space
valid = False
print("Your filename begins with a Space please retry")
if valid == True:
f = open(filename, "r")
print ("File is in wrong format or doesnt exits Please retry ")
valid = False
f.close()#closes file
return filename #returns variable

def write(inputfile):
files=open(inputfile,"r")#opens file user has defined file in read mode
datalines=data.splitlines()#splits the file data into lines
numbers=datalines[0].split(",") #splits into commas
files.close()#closes file
return numbers#returns variable so can be used later

def GetData(inputname):
f = open(inputname, "r")#opens file user has defined
reader = csv.reader(f)
nums = next(reader)
words = next(reader)
f.close()#closes file
return nums, words#returns variable so can be used later 

def output(numbers, words):#this function changes the orders of numbers so that the final data displayed will be correct
outputstring = ""
numbers =reversed(numbers)
for char in numbers:
outputstring = words[int(char)-1] + outputstring
outputstring = outputstring.replace('\"', "")
outputstring = outputstring.replace('\'', "")
return outputstring

def Compress():
inputfile = Input() #takes variable from other funtion to be used 
sentence = Sentence(inputfile)#takes variable from other funtion to be used
UniqueWords = Words(sentence)#takes variable from other funtion to be used
NumbersList = Numbers(sentence, UniqueWords)#takes variable from other funtion to be used
Filename = Output(UniqueWords, NumbersList)#takes variable from other function to be used 
print ("Done, the data", UniqueWords, "and", NumbersList, "saved to file", Filename)#displays data and confirms operation was sucessful 

def Decompress():
inputfile = Input()
GetNumbers, GetWords = GetData(inputfile)
MakeOutput = output(GetNumbers, GetWords)#takes variable from other function to be used
Filename = Output(UniqueWords, NumbersList)
print ("Done!, file", inputfile, "has data \"" +  MakeOutput + "\"" "has been saved to",Filename)#displays data and confirms operation was sucessful
print("Error. File could not be found or was invalid format.")
Menu()#runs menu fucntion
There's no indentation. It doesn't work, because it's not valid syntax.