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Hello, is there any procedure to facilitate the using of Pypi packages installation in an offline pc?; my case is a pc behind a corporative proxy server I've try all the solution posted about the subject and there is not way to get it work. So I decided to download the packages from Pypi and install it using Pycharm (command python install) but it's very dificult because dependencies, so the task is a recursive one, anytime I get error I must look for the missing dependency, but I'm newbie using Python and it's very complex for me, my question: exists some map of dependencies for to know for example for install Scikit-learn what do I need and in what order.
thaks for your time...
The first thing to do is to speak to the relevant people in your organisation to see what can be done. You really shouldn't be trying to resolve the dependencies manually, as that is likely to be non-trivial.
That is indeed best advice. I held back from saying:
1. Find where OIT offices are.
2. Bring donuts
3. Request them to open up access to PyPI

I used similar to get them to open access to XKCD several years ago when it got blocked.